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May 14, 2008
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So, about a year ago I got a new job within my company--it was a great move for me--I went from being hourly to salaried, got a pretty good raise, and am now eligible for sales incentive bonuses.  That being said, the old adage about "the more you make the more you spend" is true.  I always feel just as broke now as I ever did before. 

Today our company gave out Profit Plus profit sharing checks--sort of an extra bonus for employees when we have a good year.  For months I've been telling myself if/when we got this bonus money, I was going to have a new roof put on my house because I need it BADLY, and as a treat to myself buy myself an iPad.  Next week I should get our annual sales bonus and I'm hoping it's enough for my roof, and then some. So last week I told myself I'm getting a new laptop--mine is dying a slow death and I've been frustrated with it for months. 

But what I really NEED to do is be a grown up and pay OFF my Macy's card, and close the effin' thing out so I can't be tempted anymore.  I've proven to myself over and over that I just do NOT have the willpower to just not go buy 3 brand new Lancome lipsticks just because I've had a hard day, or new perfume because I'm in the mood for a new scent, etc.  So the kid in me wants to take my first real, BIG bonus, and treat myself to a laptop.  But the adult in me knows I really should pay off the damn credit card, because the interest alone is killing me.  So if I pay off the card, with the money I save each month on THAT payment, I could probably get a new laptop in 2 or 3 paychecks. 

I was driving home from my best friend's tonight, thinking about it, and just >poof< decided, "I'm going to do the right thing and pay off this credit card."  Now I just need help being strong enough to actually DO it.  Because I REALLY want a new laptop right now.

I hope I'm tough enough to follow through--it'd be a HUGE load off my mind to have that card paid off, and I know they say you shouldn't close out a card, but with this one I know I need to do it, or in another two months I'll have a bad day, and just go buy something and it'll get out of hand again. 

i think i can i think i can i think i canithinkicanithinkicanithinkican...

So it seems like you're pretty set on getting your roof done, so that's definitely a HUGE step towards being an adult :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> As for the Macy's card, I suggest you set up an auto-pay NOW so that way you can pay it off fully without even thinking about it. 

i know you can i know you can i know you can iknowyoucaniknowyoucaniknowyoucan

Good luck :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Ughhh my Macy's card was terrible. I paid the thing off and haven't set foot in a macy's since. I use the card occasionally so I can use a coupon but I pay it off IMMEDIATELY right there at the register. 

I've recently really gotten into my no-buy, what helped was sorting through my stuff. I looked at it all, and all I could see were the amount of repeat eyeshadow colors I had, 30 tubes of mascara, 15 black eyeliners, etc. Very unnecessary. So, maybe if you sort through your stuff and see just how much you have, that would help? 

Thanks ladies for the support. 

Yeah I suppose if I really sit down and see how much stuff I have, and think of how much of it was charged on the damn Macy's card (and i'm probably still paying 3-fold for) I will cool it. 

I've gone back and forth a couple times and right now I'm back on 'pay off the card' mode.  I just hope I can be so strong once I have that money!~

Is it bad to close a card? Like, bad for your credit? 

If so, I suggest cutting it into many little pieces and throwing it out (or melting it after it's cut up). That way, you can't use it.

I know exactly how you feel by the way, although I have mostly gotten control over myself in the past months. As soon as you have the money, pay off your card ASAP. Don't even think about doing something else with it. Money's deposited in the account? Good. Buh-bye money, gotta go and pay off that credit card. :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


Originally Posted by Katie-Gaslight /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Is it bad to close a card? Like, bad for your credit? 

If so, I suggest cutting it into many little pieces and throwing it out (or melting it after it's cut up). That way, you can't use it.

I know exactly how you feel by the way, although I have mostly gotten control over myself in the past months. As soon as you have the money, pay off your card ASAP. Don't even think about doing something else with it. Money's deposited in the account? Good. Buh-bye money, gotta go and pay off that credit card. :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


The worst thing about a macy's card is they can look it up with your license! D: 

But yeah, its not the best for your credit to close a card. 

Well guys I did it.  Got my bonus money and before I could even THINK about it, I paid the card OFF.  Now I just need to close it.  Jenna's right--I haven't carried my actual card with me for years, but they can look it up for you with your drivers license, so it does NO good to not carry it!  Great ploy on Macy's part! 

I put away MOST of the money I need for my new roof--the rest I can save up before I actually do it. I treated myself to a new laptop, and I'll just have to save up for my iPad.

Proud of myself for paying the damn credit card off, and while I know it isn't great for your credit to close a card right away, I think in this case I'm willing to take the hit, otherwise I'll have a bad day and go in and charge a bunch of make-up on it and I'll be right back where I started.  If I could do a credit limit of like $500, I'd consider keeping it open, but I don't think Macy's really DOES credit limits, so I know I'm better off just closing it out. 

Thanks for all the support!  It sure helps knowing I'm not alone in my battle!

Originally Posted by Rebbierae /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Well guys I did it.  Got my bonus money and before I could even THINK about it, I paid the card OFF.  Now I just need to close it.  Jenna's right--I haven't carried my actual card with me for years, but they can look it up for you with your drivers license, so it does NO good to not carry it!  Great ploy on Macy's part! 

I put away MOST of the money I need for my new roof--the rest I can save up before I actually do it. I treated myself to a new laptop, and I'll just have to save up for my iPad.

Proud of myself for paying the damn credit card off, and while I know it isn't great for your credit to close a card right away, I think in this case I'm willing to take the hit, otherwise I'll have a bad day and go in and charge a bunch of make-up on it and I'll be right back where I started.  If I could do a credit limit of like $500, I'd consider keeping it open, but I don't think Macy's really DOES credit limits, so I know I'm better off just closing it out. 

Thanks for all the support!  It sure helps knowing I'm not alone in my battle!

Nope, macy's doesn't do credit limits, its weird. One day I can get approved for 1200 dollars on the card and then pay that off and it won't let me spend 800. 

Originally Posted by Rebbierae /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Well guys I did it.  Got my bonus money and before I could even THINK about it, I paid the card OFF.  Now I just need to close it.  Jenna's right--I haven't carried my actual card with me for years, but they can look it up for you with your drivers license, so it does NO good to not carry it!  Great ploy on Macy's part! 

I put away MOST of the money I need for my new roof--the rest I can save up before I actually do it. I treated myself to a new laptop, and I'll just have to save up for my iPad.

Proud of myself for paying the damn credit card off, and while I know it isn't great for your credit to close a card right away, I think in this case I'm willing to take the hit, otherwise I'll have a bad day and go in and charge a bunch of make-up on it and I'll be right back where I started.  If I could do a credit limit of like $500, I'd consider keeping it open, but I don't think Macy's really DOES credit limits, so I know I'm better off just closing it out. 

Thanks for all the support!  It sure helps knowing I'm not alone in my battle!

CONGRATULATIONS!! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> You can be very proud of yourself!!! 


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