I love Netflix. If you want to try it out, I have a 2 week pass to Netflix that I can pass on to you. The turn around time is fantastic. Sometimes I will mail something on Monay and by Wednesday I will have my new selection. I really like it and have never had a problem.
Originally Posted by lizzyb831 i like netflix. it's probably faster for us marisol since were in californi. it's located in san jose/los gatos area. That's true! Is that the only place that they ship out of?
Originally Posted by Marisol That's true! Is that the only place that they ship out of? i'm not sure. but on the envelopes it says it's from that area. i forget the exact city.
Originally Posted by lizzyb831 i'm not sure. but on the envelopes it says it's from that area. i forget the exact city. I think that it is San Jose.
This is from the Netflix website.
Fast and Free Delivery
Members enjoy free shipping both ways. Netflix operates more than 30 shipping centers throughout the United States - key to providing fast delivery - and plans to open additional shipping centers in 2005.
Originally Posted by Marisol I *think* that you do. I can send you the certificate and you can check. ah, i'm not sure if i'll actually keep it going, so save it for someone who really wants it. thanks so much, though!
Originally Posted by Jennifer ah, i'm not sure if i'll actually keep it going, so save it for someone who really wants it. thanks so much, though!
Netflix is awesome. I cancelled it because my roomies and I weren't watching the movies, but we were getting new ones within 4 - 5 days of sending them back. Super quick! I definately suggest trying it out!