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Feb 5, 2013
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Hi :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I'm a new member of this forum and my name is Josie. I am currently 19 years old. The problem is I've never wore makeup in my life, and had only tried for a few times (prom,graduation). Every time some helped me with doing my makeup so I don't know much about makeup. I've try watching Youtube and gurus always seemed to know what product and shades work for them. The thing is I wanted to start on makeup but I don't know what shades or skin type I am. I have no idea! 

People always commented on how I look younger than my age (17?). I do dress a bit young but I think it is also because I don't put a lot of products on my face. Anyways the other day my roommate was telling me that if I don't start having a skincare routine, I will age faster. I never wash my face with anything except water. Should I invest in skin care products even if I don't wear makeup? Do they really help?

If I never wore makeup or use skin care products, would my skin get irritated if I start doing so? 

I never put products on my hands either but I just started dating in college and my boyfriend told me I should (even though he said my hands are pretty soft). His sister gave me a kit contained with lotions and exfoliating products. She told me that if I don't exfoliate my hands weekly, then my hands will be very dry and recommended me to do so. She also taught me some things about makeup.

Is exfoliating really necessary? If I don't, would my lotions go to waste since I am just applying lotions on top of dead skin cells? 

I'm sorry if this is really long, but I just need some advice. I wanted to try skin care and hand care products but is afraid they will ruin my hand since my hand/face seems to be fine without them. Thank you!!
I suggest you use sunscreen, ar the very least.  It will protect your skin from aging and skin cancer.

You could try a simple BB cream if you are spotty or you are looking to cover spots if you have them if you are worried about starting makeup try with just some mascara black or clear hope this helps ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


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