Nu Skin Galvanic Spa System forums

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Originally Posted by dnemke /img/forum/go_quote.gif Has anyone used this system, im tempted to purchase. Results ? Hi...My sister just brought her Galvanic Spa system and tried it on me....thought it would "help" my wrinkles. I'm 58 and blond w/sensitive skin. The treatment caused a severe burn on my face. We went to the doctor and he said it was a result of the Galvanic Spa treatment....nothing else I'd done or been exposed to could account for what happened to my face. It's been a week and my face is still swollen, red, tight, and feels very dry and burns like a severe sunburn. I can't seem to get enough moisture into it...probably because the top layer needs to slough off. I think I'll keep my wrinkles and consider myselff a "Dove girl!"Sally

Originally Posted by dnemke /img/forum/go_quote.gif Has anyone used this system, im tempted to purchase. Results ? I have not used it personally but I just did a google search and there seems to be good reviews on it. Also you such do a search on You Tube. There is lots of videos that came up on my search.
Tried it for 1 month - absolutely no difference on area that I used it.

Zero return for a lot of time (takes longer than you think) and a lot of $'s.


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