Odd skin color

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Jul 12, 2005
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I am almost 42, oily skin, former cystic acne victim (although recovered for now, knock on wood) and have always had a lot of difficulty matching foundation color between my face and neck. Prior to my two surgical dermabrasions to minimize scarring, my face was always ruddy and darker than my neck. Post dermabrasion #2, it's the other way around. My face has far less pigment than my neck. I hate the masque look. Any tips? I've always been told to match my foundation color to my neck or collar bone or jaw line but considering I'm a "quilt" of colors, what should I do? I am new on this site and you guys have some great information and tips. I appreciate your input.

Im moving this to the Skin Care forum. Thanks!

Originally Posted by southerngal

I am almost 42, oily skin, former cystic acne victim (although recovered for now, knock on wood) and have always had a lot of difficulty matching foundation color between my face and neck. Prior to my two surgical dermabrasions to minimize scarring, my face was always ruddy and darker than my neck. Post dermabrasion #2, it's the other way around. My face has far less pigment than my neck. I hate the masque look. Any tips? I've always been told to match my foundation color to my neck or collar bone or jaw line but considering I'm a "quilt" of colors, what should I do? I am new on this site and you guys have some great information and tips. I appreciate your input.

If you are really having that much trouble matching, go to a makeup counter at the mall or something (whatever brand of foundation you want to use) and they will color match you themselves. We did that for people all the time when I worked at Estee Lauder. People would just come up and say they were wanting a new foundation and I would put them in the chair and find out what type of foundation they were looking for and colormatch them appropriately. Also if you do it that way, they may have a product that can even out your skin tone, or at least direct you to someone who has one.

for this kind of problem i think prescriptives is the way to go. they can custom blend your foundation and they will keep working with you until you are satisfied. it is so worth the cost (here in michigan about $55)

Originally Posted by southerngal I am almost 42, oily skin, former cystic acne victim (although recovered for now, knock on wood) and have always had a lot of difficulty matching foundation color between my face and neck. Prior to my two surgical dermabrasions to minimize scarring, my face was always ruddy and darker than my neck. Post dermabrasion #2, it's the other way around. My face has far less pigment than my neck. I hate the masque look. Any tips? I've always been told to match my foundation color to my neck or collar bone or jaw line but considering I'm a "quilt" of colors, what should I do? I am new on this site and you guys have some great information and tips. I appreciate your input.

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