Online Makeup Schools and University of Makeup, QC Academy ... forums

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May 5, 2012
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Hi there - I may have posted before but think I added to an old post as I was new to the site.  I appreciate through looking through some of the forums that similar questions have been raised before but I am still trying to find my answer....

I am looking into completing an online make up artist course and I know there are a few - NOMA, University of Makeup and QC Academy etc.  From what I have seen some courses are not necessarily 'accredited' but they are informative and teach many of the skills needed.

Has anyone actually completed any of these courses, received a certificate and have any comments?  I have found a few postings about people thinking of doing course but I would like to hear from students experiences as I don't want to have a bad one.

I did do beauty at college years ago and have previously completed a more basic make-up certificate years ago but I want to update my knowledge as products have changed and techniques (am getting on a bit now - LOL)!  

I also know that this there are accredited distance learning courses but it is all theory and although this knowledge is useful and important I feel personally that this is a very practical skill so the knowledge on it's own is useless without the skill!


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