Over 40 Skin

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Thanks sbs and Hoozie! I love this board.

And many thanks to all who've replied to anything I've asked; everyone here is so friendly and happy to share!

Originally Posted by Scooter /img/forum/go_quote.gif I've been using PurelyCosmetics, and I'm 48. They just came out with a cream foundation too that's supposed to be good for normal-dry skin, and won't accentuate wrinkles like many MMU can do just by their very nature. I ordered it yesterday; I'll let you know what I think when it comes. Please do Scooter; can't wait to hear what you think!

Originally Posted by dlwt2003 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I am 49 and use quite a few different makeups, I do use a primer though, tht helps with all of them and I always use a finishing powder, just make sure it doesnt look like you have to much on~~ What type of primer do you use?
I just turned 45 and also recently started using MMU. I'm still at the sampling stage, and have yet to find my HG. What I found before trying a few tricks from these posts here on this board was that my skin was actually (or seemingly) becoming dryer and more wrinkled after applying MMU. Beings that I have always had very nice skin with few blemishes and even fewer wrinkles, you can imagine the horror when I'd look in the mirror and I'd see this parched wrinkled look on my cheeks and bridge of my nose. Where the HELL did those come from I asked myself? I began to FREAK. I mean, was this the beginning of more wrinkles and this look I didn't like to come with my newly advancing <cough> age? I thought I was moisturizing properly enough... Perhaps it's also the new water pills I started taking fa few months ago for my new case of high blood pressure, thought I... So I started to do some research on here... (and started drinking a boatload more water, for I believe I was experiencing some dehydration too) To my surprise and delight I have begun to actually improve my skin with a few little tweaks and my MMU has never looked better.

I think what has been the most beneficial has been using a good natural skin care routine that I was greatly lacking. I have fair sensitive skin, and I don’t like putting too much on my face…. However, I discovered I wasn’t doing ENOUGH… My miracle product has been emu oil like Hoozey mentions. (I bought mine from Garden of Wisdom - that and other great products too. Wonderful site, would’ve never known about it without reading it here first. Thanks gals!) My cat absolutely LOVES the emu oil as well, and so that she doesn't lick my face every night thereby ruining the beautifying effects of said stuff, I give her a little bit on my finger that I get out of the container with a chop stick because the product is so thick due to the cold weather of late that I cant get it out any other way. It melts nicely in the palm of my hand, and I only need a little bit. (for both myself and the cat…) Along with the emu oil I have been using a bit of EVOO lately as well. I look like a lovely greasy mess at first, but after massaging it in it absorbs quickly and by morning my skin is sooooooooooo soft. Just after a few days of just using strictly the emo oil at first my face lost the slight redness and teeny little bumps here and there that it seemed to have before.

After only a few weeks of this new regime my MMU is looking lovely. Those damn little wrinkles that somehow popped up almost overnight are actually gone. (Well, I THINK they are… They LOOK like they are and that’s the main thing…) My skin is moisturized well and it just glides on rather then sinking in furrows and looking all orange peel-y... I also make sure to keep my face well hydrated with spray hydrosol (again, GOW has many to choose from, as well as many other places do as well) AND have started to use a primer prior to MMU application as well.... What a difference just in using the primer! I have also discovered if I spray my brushes first with a little of the hydrosol first to create a more "wet" or rather moist application it goes on (and STAYS on) like a dream! Sometimes I give my face a little spritz of hydrosol in the middle of the day. I seems to keep me “dewy†looking, and plus the smell is a nice pick me up.

Just these few steps have made a tremendous difference. Thanks to everyone for all the suggestions I read on here. I knew I didn't want to give up MMU, I'm having way too much fun "playing" with it all, but I knew I had to find a better way of how to make it look better on my face. What I LOVE about the MMU now is that it glows in this real cool way that makes me want to keep looking at it in the mirror it’s that good. Now all I need to do is find a perfect product/color match.

Hi all....

Boopie, I'm 57 with the same thoughts as you. Also new here. Gotten good advice though. If you want to sample something for free...no strings, honestly (cept 5.95 for shipping), go to Signature Mineral Makeup

I'm waiting for my samples now. They give you 6 and you can choose from all the different products. They aren't huge from what I've been told but certainly enough to use for a while and see if you like. I don't want to shell out till I know my face can handle it.

Also, I hope others see this because I'm curious about Lauren Hutton's Aqua minerals. She is over 60 in the infomercial and I've heard that are quite good and a steal on HSN.com. Frankly, I though she looked looped in the coommercial but....c'est la vie...have fun loll. Her face looked good. A friend of mine uses them and she looks porcelain. She's 55 with plenty of lines too but somehow you aren't looking for them if that makes sense. Everything else looks so good I guess!

Hope this helps ..... Carol

I actually use Thayer's Rose Toner. GOW has various different hydrosols including a rose scented one. But I like that this one has other skin softening ingredients.

(I just posted something about it on the "lastability" thread" :

"I use Thayers Rose Petal Toner. I've been using it for years. I just recently started using it to keep my MMU from looking all dried out. I use it for all types of applications: as a toner/facial refresher, to spray my brushes with prior to using MMU and I spray my face after I have applied my MMU as well. I find that it sets my MU beautifully, and keeps my skin soft and hydrated feeling, not all dry and cakey like my MMU used to be before I started spraying. I like that its a natural product that has been around since the 1800's - can't go wrong with a time honored product. A bottle is under $10.00 and lasts me quite a while and I use it all the time. I buy mine either at my local health food store, or online"


Rose Petal water and natural rose fragrance blended with Thayers Proprietary Witch Hazel extract, fillet of the Aloe Vera plant, Vitamin E, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Fillet of the Aloe Vera Plant, Propylene Glycol, 3% (food grade, derived from corn), methylparaben (0.10%) and Polysorbate 20

Here's their website:

Thayers Alcohol-Free Rose Petal Witch Hazel Toner - $9.95 : Thayers Natural Remedies, Since 1847

Great thread! Has anyone over 40 ever tried Sheer Cover mineral makeup? If so, how did you like it?

I have always wondered about Emu oil too... I have heard great things but haven't tried it yet. How does it work for oily skin that breaks out easily?

What could be the best makeup set I can give to a friend who will soon reach 40?

Mineral makeup over 40; does it really work to make you look younger?  Or is it just another makeup that does its job but not much more? Mineral makeup does work beautifully, and it can work for a lot of women over 40.  And yes, the glow it gives you can take years off your looks. Well I use Monave and I am happy with the product I use.
My Mother will turn 60 this coming April and she's been using CalistaCosmetics.  It looked so great on her that I tried it and now use nothing else (I'm 38).  It's all natural stuff so nothing that makes you itch and I love that it doesn't clog my pores....  I sleep in my make-up very often (I know it's a big No, No).

I will soon be 40 and want to start using mmu. It looks like my first try will be Monave. I will let you know how it goes.

Why did you chose Monave?  

Originally Posted by MissMaryMac /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I will soon be 40 and want to start using mmu. It looks like my first try will be Monave. I will let you know how it goes.

Turning over forty gives us signal  that we should start taking helpful steps to look better.its very interesting post and we really can understand what you want to convey through this article.

I use Pur Minerals. It's mineral make-up, but sold in compact form. It's really nice. I'm 41 and it does't settle into fine lines.


i need oil skin information because my skin is oil skin so what types of cream use the my face.

mod note: link deleted

Skin Care Tips for 40+ womens.

1. You can clean your skin, but you can't "deep-clean" it.

2. Spending more money does not affect the status of your skin.

3. Dry skin doesn't wrinkle any more or less than oily skin.

4. Your skin may become inflamed, dry, and blemished.

5. Oily-skin types rarely require a moisturizer.

I'm 49 and still have oily skin with blemishes to cover.  I've recently tried Monave Concealer Foudation and think it covers better than any mineral makeup I've tried so far.  I WISH it came in a pressed formula though as I hate the mess of loose minerals.  The temporah shade matched my skin pretty well as I have a slight olive undertone.  

I've also recently tried Mineral Fusion Makeup in the pressed form.  I like it because the Olive 1 and Olive 2 are close matches... but I think it's too expensive for the small amount. 

My mum is in her 60's and she uses Jane Iredale. She says its because it doesnt shine on her wrinkles.


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