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I really like it but it doesn't last at all on me, its pretty disappointing. Any suggestions about making it last?

i wear this one an pure grace. i dont get sick of them like most other perfumes

I use to really like Falling In Love, but I've gotten over it. It's nice, but I won't be buying it again. I'd rather get Philosophy's Inner Grace or Amazing grace.

I have a perfume oil roll-on from an e-tailer, and using that with the EDP makes it last longer. I'm glad they finally released an EDP in Falling in Love, because the Spray Fragrance has NO lasting power IMHO.

It's nice... I got it recently, and I'm debating on selling it for Amazing Grace... AG is just my holy grail perfume, and I have no idea why I don't bother just sticking to it without straying...
