Problem with Lumiere pre-buy forums

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Sep 9, 2007
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I don't know if many of you ordered brushes during the pre-buy of Lumiere but it seems they are having quite a few problems the biggest of all being the latest: they did not receive enough of some brushes. Which means that those who ordered over the last days will not receive everything they've ordered if they had ordered:

Retractable Kabukis

Ultimate Concealers

Baby Bukis

Duo Fiber Optic Brushes

I had ordered a duo fiber optic brush among other things on the last day of the pre-buy,so I'm not happy to say the least. I do hope those who will be affected will be contacted individually to find an appropriate solution.

That truly is unacceptable. I do hope they will offer a MAJOR compensation to every client concerned (thankfully, I think I'm not, but I'm just as angry).

This prebuy is getting worse and worse, lots of delays (god two weeks from now we will be in 2008 and we still haven't our brushes !), unkept promises and now, not every client will be sure to receive everything they ordered. Lumiere's service is such a disappointment. I'm not sure i'll ever order from them again.

Originally Posted by aurelie /img/forum/go_quote.gif I'm not sure i'll ever order from them again. Well you're definitely not the only one who thinks that way...
good to know that.. the metter of fact today I ask kathy about the hiling concealer becouse I wanted to order that and she answer that right now I cant order that..

ok.. I will order from a nother company.. Im disapointed enogh I think from some companies..

Simisimi, I ordered the healing concealer in yellow and it is actually not that great, so don't be too sad about that

One thing's for sure though, even if i have found my color in their foundations, they will have to make huges amends to the concerned customers for me to order from them again...

Sorry to hear you all are having problems! I hope they can make it up to you.

Well, seems like the commercial, good will gesture is not for anytime soon. Here's what they answered to a friend of mine, she ordered two brushes and one of them was missing, so she asked if she could cancel her order.

I certainly will be glad to cancel your order. This was NOT planned or intended in any way and sometimes in life you just cannot predict when things will go awry. I hope that throughout your life that you never make a mistake or have an unfortunate thing happen out of your control and have to answer to someone like yourself.

Very nice isn't it ? I can't believe such aggressiveness when so many mineral brands have EXCELLENT cs. I've made up my mind for good : I'll never order from them anymore. Their attitude is pathetic.

urgh I didnt order the prebuy brushes. I ordered samples and 1 lumi lips on the 7th dec. Till now no CnS. They have updated their TAT from 7 days to 2-3 days. So shouldnt I have received a CnS? Im losing my patience.

Originally Posted by goddess /img/forum/go_quote.gif urgh I didnt order the prebuy brushes. I ordered samples and 1 lumi lips on the 7th dec. Till now no CnS. They have updated their TAT from 7 days to 2-3 days. So shouldnt I have received a CnS? Im losing my patience. You placed your order on Friday Dec 7 and they are stating 7 (business) days to process your order; then ship. As of today it has been 5 business days.
Unfortunately, MMU companies don't ship as fast as we would like; plus the international mail factor.

Originally Posted by aurelie /img/forum/go_quote.gif Well, seems like the commercial, good will gesture is not for anytime soon. Here's what they answered to a friend of mine, she ordered two brushes and one of them was missing, so she asked if she could cancel her order.
I certainly will be glad to cancel your order. This was NOT planned or intended in any way and sometimes in life you just cannot predict when things will go awry. I hope that throughout your life that you never make a mistake or have an unfortunate thing happen out of your control and have to answer to someone like yourself.

Very nice isn't it ? I can't believe such aggressiveness when so many mineral brands have EXCELLENT cs. I've made up my mind for good : I'll never order from them anymore. Their attitude is pathetic.

The last sentence of their reply was unnecessary and unprofessional. It's a business, not a troubled marriage, lol.

It is much easier to forgive mishaps and work with them if there is pleasant communication, unlike the response your friend got. How disappointing.

Ok I'll give my 5 cents to this. As to Lumiere I may not say I didn't have any problems with this company, but I always found their CS as really heplful.

First time when I ordered brushes, I received to defective ones. On the base of the photographs, the owner promised to ship the brushes once again. She also promised me some free samples of their new formula.

I got the brushes but no samples. I informed them about a lack of samples on the forum and the smaples were shipped to me totally free.

Next time I placed an order for their full size foundation and few other things. I've never received this order. After 30 days they decided to reship the order. It was my choice to pay for the faster shipping and they invoiced me for the cost of global priority.

However I did not get any confirmation of the shippment and after a week I asked them what was going on. Suzanne explained me that the package was prepared for shipping but they have no idea what happened to it. That's why they refunded me with the cosg of additional shipping and the cost of the order and shipped the package to me totally free.

I'm still waiting for my package to arive, as it was sent on December, 12 I do not expect to get it before Christmas.

It was very frustrating experience to pay for your order in October and to have hope to get it at the end of December. However I find Lumiere CS as a very good one.

I also ordered few brushes on their pre-buy and I hope to get them. Till today I have no information on the status.

I do not like problems with orders. But unfortunately all problems happen when I order from Lumiere. I hope that as I finally get my order maybe I'll change my mind about future orders with this company.

I feel the need to put in my 2 cents:

Note: I ordered Pre-Buy Brushes on October 20th and I got them two days ago. I swear I remember them saying something about the brushes being shipped out in mid to late November. (Oh wells. At least I got them right?).

I'm sorry that so many people are unhappy with the lack of products, poor shipping, etc, but please keep in mind that Lumiere is a business and to have such a big event like a Brush Pre-Buy Event is a big deal. First they have to get all the orders in and go through them to get an number of how many brushes of each kind of brush to order. Then they have to sent that order to the manufacturer. Then the manufacturer has to process that huge order. Then they have to pack and ship the order to Lumiere. Then Lumiere has to sort through all those orders, process all the orders, and then pack and ship everything to everyone.

When it comes to the product shortages, shipping, etc. you shouldn't be so harsh. Honestly, running a business isn't easy.

As for the rude email replies, I personally didn't see that they were super rude but if you felt that way, then there is no defending that. I've always believed in the whole "Customer Service is of the Utmost Importance."

But don't completely cut off Lumiere. They have really good products, in my opinion. It would be a shame to give up good products over something like so-so customer service. =( (besides, they have free shipping for U.S. residents! I love FREE shipping! <3)

Hope everyone gets their Lumiere Pre-Buy problems fixed! Happy Holidays!

While I agree that Kim may have been a little emotional in her response, there was a whole list of rules that were outlined ahead of time for the pre-buy, including NO refunds. It was clearly stated that the orders would be charged up front and shipped around the Holidays. I think she is doing a fine job to make this fair for those that were affected by the brush shortage that was the manufacturer's fault. I am not a die hard Lumiere user like some that have responded on other boards, in fact I don't use much else from them (more due to waiting for the samples that go with my order). In fact, I am sure my brushes are on their way, just hung up in Holiday shipping. Yes, it is a pain to wait, but this is what I chose as a consumer to get fantastic prices on a great product. She was honest and up front with what might happen. If you wanted guaranteed time frames and your order in entirety, you should pay full price. JMHO. She is not making much on the pre-buy. It was a favor to us as I look at it.

I made two orders. I made one large order a few days before the sale ended, and another order on the last day. I received my first order today and everything was fine. My second order has a missing retractable kabuki. I am definitely not upset with Lumiere because it really isn't their fault if the manufacturer did not send out enough brushes.

Originally Posted by tonkabeane /img/forum/go_quote.gif I feel the need to put in my 2 cents:
Note: I ordered Pre-Buy Brushes on October 20th and I got them two days ago. I swear I remember them saying something about the brushes being shipped out in mid to late November. (Oh wells. At least I got them right?).

omg you serious?! i placed my pre-buy order since mid September and still haven't gotten mine yet. i hope they didn't screw up my order.
Originally Posted by aurelie /img/forum/go_quote.gif I certainly will be glad to cancel your order. This was NOT planned or intended in any way and sometimes in life you just cannot predict when things will go awry. I hope that throughout your life that you never make a mistake or have an unfortunate thing happen out of your control and have to answer to someone like yourself.
But this type of response from a business owner is never acceptable. A simple "I'm sorry you are unhappy with your order" would have sufficed. I won't be inclined to buy there after reading this. It's not professional.
You should read the lumiere forum on about the recent brush update and what she said about people cancelling the orders.One of their 'fangirls' said rather nasty stuff about those people who were impatient or wanted to cancel their orders. She also attacked me and called me a problem user.

quoted 'I for one would like to know who the IDIOTS are that are requesting a refund when they are not affected by this.They have NO RIGHT TO REFUND. Lumiere is fulfilling thier order. THEY knew what a pre-buy was when they got into this. Selfish rude people. GOOD GREIF. People can be just STUPID sometimes. This really really really pisses me off right now to read this. I can't beleive the nerve of some people.'

Quick Registration

I just received my Lumiere brushes. All 6 of them. They were perfect! I guess I'm one of those lucky ones.

I've never had problems with Lumiere's CS, but this entire brush scheme had trouble written all over it. It sounds as if her company is too small to deal with an onslaught of orders.


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