QOTD Nov 8, 2010: What do you drink most?

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Coffee, by a long shot, I drink a ton of coffee. I have alread drank like three cups today. I mixed smooth folgers with chocolate truffle...mmmm

Diet Cherry Coke, Diet coke with lime, coke zero...kinda get the trend?  I also drink a lot of water.

Pop. It can be any kind of pop, I'm addicted to it! Coke, Diet, Sprite, whatever, I don't care, My meals don't even settle well anymore without it!

Jack n' coke. Just joshin' :p I drink milk - does a body good

COKE coke coke........I want to quit drinking it but I can'ttt....sob sob. I am adding onto the kilos already..

water, pepsi and coffee.  Those are what I drink throughout the day.  I drink 2 cans of pepsi, 1 cup of coffee and the rest is water...probably 6 glasses of water.

another vote for coffee. Probably about two cups a day, which is 3 shots of espresso

water. I don´t leave the house without a bottle of water in my handbag. I don´t really need to drink a lot of water with my meals, but I constantly need to take a sip when I´m studying, watching TV etc

In winter I also drink 1-2 cups of tea a day

Now if it were just about taste, I´d be drinking fruit juices and smoothies a lot, as well as heavily flavored Starbucks coffee (the only coffee I drink), but I prefer to eat my calories rather than drinking them
