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Apr 9, 2007
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I have a question.... how come I can wear 'traditional' cosmetics like liquid foundation by covergirl, loreal, w/e, and it contains bismuth, but it doesn't bother my skin. But when I wear MMU, like bareminerals or isadora, it irritates my skin and makes it itchy?? It doesn't seem fair... wah. Is there a reason for this??

I am not sure. Maybe it is a combination of ingredients that irritate your skin?

Now sure either, could be how much is in the item, what kind they use, combination of ingredients. I could not use BE, glowed like a tin man and itched. BUT I did wear AuCourant which also contains Bismuth, and never had a problem with it.


It could also be the percentage of Bismuth in the makeup's you are using.

So.. it probably affects me more in MMU because there's minimal ingredients, right? So its like the bismuth is more 'concentrated'. Or something like that, right? In traditional MU, there's so much other crap that you (or your skin) can't really tell its there, right?

Yeah I think it's the amount too.

Check the MMU ingredient list and compare it with the ingredient list of the traditional cosmetics that don't bother you. Most probably the bismuth will appear first on the MMU list than on the traditional MU list. It happened to me with Avena Sativa (oat powder), it broke me out when it was the third ingredient on the list but in other products where it is the fifth or sixth it doesn't bother me.

???? That is a very good question. I thought that it was the Bismuth in BE that bothered me too, but now I find that several other foundations that don't contain Bismuth cause me to itch after several hours too.

Originally Posted by citre /img/forum/go_quote.gif I have a question.... how come I can wear 'traditional' cosmetics like liquid foundation by covergirl, loreal, w/e, and it contains bismuth, but it doesn't bother my skin. But when I wear MMU, like bareminerals or isadora, it irritates my skin and makes it itchy?? It doesn't seem fair... wah. Is there a reason for this?? Probable cause for you, skin too dry. When you wear powder foundation, use a richer moisturizer, preferably with hyaluronic acid as well in the ingre . See if that helps.
It's probably the concetration of the Bismuth. Don't forget "regular" makeup has fillers as well as many more ingredients than mmu.

I used to think I was allergic to the BO in BE, but I tried several brands and it wasn't that because I broke out with some MMU's w/o BO and didn't break out with other brands that did have it. I changed moisturizers and that seemed to fix the problem. I occasionally break out but I don't think it's anything in my skincare or MMU doing that, just hormones. Sucks because I rarely broke out as a teenager but now in my 30's I am!
Oh well, at least MMU covers it very well!

I've only used Jane Iredale and BE mmu and JI was fine for me, after my 3rd use of BE I got awfull skin I did write in other topics about this but I know it was BE, My face is starting to clear up, Ive never had any problems with any poducts before, Im not sure if it was the BE foundation or concealer or both but I wont be using them again,

I was trying to get my skin clear and looking great for the weekend as Im seeing people I havent seen in a year or so and since Ive changed big style I wanted to impress, But since using BE I look terrible, my face is dry, patchy, red, tight and itchy.

Someone said Jane Irdale has this in their products?? But ive been using their stuff for quite a few months now and thats been fine.. odd

Are you allergic to animal dander? And what type of brush is it. I learned that the natural brushes can make me itch like crazy cause I'm allergic to animal dander. I solved that problem and got a synthetic brush and no more itching.

Originally Posted by Shasta /img/forum/go_quote.gif Are you allergic to animal dander? And what type of brush is it. I learned that the natural brushes can make me itch like crazy cause I'm allergic to animal dander. I solved that problem and got a synthetic brush and no more itching. interesting, i wouldn't have thought of that. i guess it's probably the concentration of bismuth in your MMU.
I tend to think that it may be the concentration level of Bismuth also as previously stated. I know that in some formulations it doesn't bother me at all while in others it does.

I itched back when I 1st started to use Bare Minerals. I finally realized it was actually that I was using too much of the foundation and that the Kabuki brush that came with scratched my face up. I ended up buying a cashmere kabuki from Cat Cosmetics (I believe the chanel, mac and bobbi brown ones are similar) and that helped tremendously. I don't itch at all anymore and I've been using it since Oct of 2004.


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