Question for people who have experience with acne and dermatologists forums

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Mar 8, 2005
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I really don´t have much experience with dermatologists. The ones in my area at home all sucked, all they did is prescribe a random oral antibiotic and topical antibiotic cream for me, which actually didn´t help!

My problem is that I have been getting cystic acne pimples (about once or twice every 2 months), this all started to happen just one year ago.

I didn´t switch pills (I only switched back to a BC pill designed for acne, which had helped me during my teenage years) or anything, and nothing else really changed.

So I showed the dermatologist my cheek where I had gotten two cystic pimples right next to each other, it´s been a week and they´re still big and red. To my surprise she didn´t prescribe anything (yet), but she gave me a referral for a lab, to test the types of bacteria I have on my face. She said she can only really treat my cystic pimples if she knows the specific bacteria that causes them. Makes sense to me (from a medical point of view, that´s the way to go)

I also asked for something to help reduce the scars they leave, but she said she will give me a prescription next time because the pimple needs to be completely healed first.

Does this sound like a good idea to you guys? I don´t have enough information about acne and dermatology in general yet, so hopefully some of you guys can tell me what you think of the dermatologist´s advice. A friend of mine has been to many derms because of her mild but persistent acne, but none of them ever sent her to a lab to get a bacteriological culture.

well, i for one wish my crappy derm had sent me somewhere rather than write me a script for something that was way to strong to treat my problem. i like the idea of knowing what it is before prescribing a treatment. i wouldn't have a problem with that at all.

Originally Posted by chococat123 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I've never had a derm refer me to a lab to test the bacteria in my face. Maybe your derm thinks it might be something else, and not a pimple.
Pimples on the chin sounds to be like hormonal acne, I get those quite a bit throughout the month as well. Your bc pill should be taking care of that. Are you on Yasmin?

Hopefully, when the test comes back she'll prescribe your new meds. Looking from your picture, you seem to have flawless skin!!

well, I only ever get those type pimples on my cheeks, not my chin. Usually in similar spots. I change my pillowcases etc regularly, but nothing helped. I have been on the pill since age 18, and right now I´m back to using Diane mite (not sure what the US name of it is), it is a quite powerful BC pill, especially designed for women who suffer from acne due to high male hormone levels. That´s why I`m wondering how I could get these cystic pimples if they´re hormonal?Apparently my derm guesses it could be a special type of bacteria that has become resident on my cheeks.

Too bad the bacteriological culture takes at least 10 days to grow, so I´ll have to wait for the results for now.

dont worrt my derm sent me to test them out to.. Its good at least u know she cares she actually wants to know what type it is so she can give u the right medication for it rather then just guess anything so its good belive me

i think it's a good idea, my dermatologist barely examined my skin before prescribing a bunch of stuff that didn't do anything about my acne. i hope she will be able to prescribe the right medication.

I completely agree it's a good idea for your derm to give your face that kind of consideration. My appointments w/my derm lasted usually all of 2 minutes where she glanced at my face and wrote out a prescription that inevitably made it worse. The more you know about what kind of condition your face is in and what is causing it, the better.

about 18 years ago, my derm did the same thing- the culture I mean. And turns out he did not prescribe antibiotics. I think it is wonderful your doctor is not rushing to give you antibiotics.

Deep cysts are generally associated with hormones. They can be very tough to deal with, and you need to be careful with the blemishes causing permanant discoloration.

Good luck.

Originally Posted by LilyLady /img/forum/go_quote.gif about 18 years ago, my derm did the same thing- the culture I mean. And turns out he did not prescribe antibiotics. I think it is wonderful your doctor is not rushing to give you antibiotics. Deep cysts are generally associated with hormones. They can be very tough to deal with, and you need to be careful with the blemishes causing permanant discoloration.

Good luck.

hm, if nothing helps it might be beneficial to check my hormone levels. I know the cysts are tough, they stay for over a week and always leave an elevation on the skin, as well as discoloration. It always takes weeks of using microdermabrasion to get rid of the leftovers.
Washing your pillow cases is a great idea. But don't forget your phones. They harbour all kinds of bacteria and can cause breakouts as well.

I have dealt with dermatologists for close to 30 years. I haven't heard of sending samples to labs to determine which bacteria one would have. Maybe this is a European thing.

In some countries, topical accutain is available. It is a lot better for ones health I would wager than taking pills. And especially if you are only getting a few cystic pimples, it may be better that taking pills everyday. I have heard of derms prescribing accutane for severe and chronic or for very oild skin, but not for one or two breakouts a month.

In Canada, and perhaps in the US, one can get an injection into the cystic acne to help the healing process and lessen the chance for scarring. Just make sure a derm does this.

When you get the results from your doctor, ask about the topical Accutane.

Best of luck hun.

I've never had a Derm do that, but it doesn't sound like a bad idea. Too bad she couldn't have given you something in the interim for the scarring though. Damn hormones!! LOL!!! Good luck Andi!

I am in a similar situation! Never had acne all through high school/college years...but a year ago started having whiteheads on my right cheek (only) once every two weeks. These whiteheads appear in the same vicinity close to each other and no where else on my face. Been to a derm but suggested the same as for others (Topical Clindamycin 1%, Benzoyl Peroxide 5%) which has not helped...

please update us as to what your derm suggested and if that very interested to find out...thanks


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