Reasons For Low/No Buy forums

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What are YOUR reasons for wanting to decrease expenses/consumption by participating in low/no buy?
My reasons are many, but all kind of tie into one thing: control over my life and what I have to keep in order.

  • using products until they're gone before replacing them
  • have less stuff/clutter in the home
  • save money short term (i.e. vacation)
  • save money for long term (i.e. retirement)
  • limited storage space therefore having fewer belongings
  • use products before they expire
I am going to try and limit my cosmetics purchases in 2015 because:

-I am moving and will have less space

- I need the money for other things and experiences that will make me happier in the long term 

- While I find that hands-on work helps calm me down (crafting, playing with makeup, these sorts of things), and that these hobbies do require a certain amount of stuff, makeup purchasing has become an expensive way to relieve stress-- except that I am making even less time for myself. 

- There are certain types of products that are no fun for me to test out, but because I am in search of the perfect one I have amassed a bunch of samples and products. A no-buy would force me to actually use these up, and in the end decide on one product of each category that I really liked, and be done with it. 

- Also sometimes I don't like a product that much, and I have one I like better, but I feel so bad about neglecting the other products that I decide to buy more---which is ridiculous! 

Such a good topic, i think talking about the reason will make me focused.

1. paying off student loan

2. saving money for experience rather than stuff

3. reducing clutter and using up what i have

4. using the money to invest in some hobbies
