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Apr 23, 2007
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where does everyone find these? How do you all know before I do?

There's a certain other makeup forum that we gather most of our information from, and we ALWAYS credit... Specktra... Although, if you're really lucky with a good MAC MA who goes to update regularly, then you can sometimes find out then too LOL! I know an MA at MAC last night said so far it seems like most of the earlier collections for 2008 might get pushed up by a week

Makeup blogs... I cite my source so you can all know where I get my info from.

Ditto what Aquilah said... I also look at Temptalia's site. Temptalia used to post fotd's here... she's gorgeous. I don't know her source really... I'm thinking she is a MA.. or maybe close with an MA for MAC. Not sure. She has a great page though.

I'm sure insiders from the actual company are the ones who do word-of-mouth type of things and people post them up in forums/blogs. Because I know some MAs who are clueless or don't know a thing about new lines coming out until that week and do their trainings.


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