Response to: Avon's cellulite lotion forums

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I'm all over ANY products helping with cellulite cuz I got plenty of it!!! :shock: I've tried several products and I was wondering about the Avon one since I saw the add. You got me thinking now, maybe I should try it.....

You might think that if this stuff really worked you would be reading about the proven results in some sort of official document like your newspaper or hearing about it on the official broadcast for newly developed life saving, health benefiting program like your television. Really if this worked don't you think it would be advertised on one of these really popular, intellectual TV programs called 'Reality TV"... Get a grip ladies...fat is something that is inside your body and what takes a while to get there ain't disappear with you rubbing some souped up vaseline on your bod....takes 3 easy steps....change how/what you eat, drink more water (no soda...sugar shuts down your immune system..that is free tidbit for day) and do some movement (never call it exercise because all I hear is "I can't do that'..but walking qualifies. Weight loss by losing fat is how you reduce your body size...and remember the first place that fat shows on your body is the last place for it to disappear when you lose it. You lose body fat in proportion to your overall body composition..not from just one spot by rubbing on some moose linament. Yes these companies give you a money back guarantee...but who sends in for the refund...because which of us wants to admit that we are vain and bought this crap in the first place. Get in charge of your own body and do not wait for someone to develop that magic pill/potion/ is not in the meantime try changing your daily eating habits...not sure how give me a jingle

Originally Posted by bcsimpsonjp

Get a grip ladies...fat is something that is inside your body and what takes a while to get there ain't disappear with you rubbing some souped up vaseline on your bod....

OoooOOOOOOooooo lets the flames begin! LOL j/k
Originally Posted by pmschris


LOL Do you wanna BE one or SEE one ? DING DONG!

You have got to be kidding me about this stuff being in the newspaper...not that is was not written about....but who wrote the article and who benefited from it...and any publications put out by the company are considered advertising. If Arnold can go on TV and get elected Gov of Calif then I guess maybe the thigh cream might just work if you have enough salt air in the equation...

The People of California have SPOKEN! Joe Davis has been Yanked!

Originally Posted by bcsimpsonjp

You have got to be kidding me about this stuff being in the newspaper...not that is was not written about....but who wrote the article and who benefited from it...and any publications put out by the company are considered advertising. If Arnold can go on TV and get elected Gov of Calif then I guess maybe the thigh cream might just work if you have enough salt air in the equation...

Same preachy preach that was once preached about stretch marks being something you cant ever get rid of until the invention of Strivectin-D, which by the way, works (tangential topic, yes- but the analogy fits). Believe it or not there are shortcuts out there and the war of the lazy versus cellulite may actually be won. I dont know why this pisses people off
No one as you say is pissed off...just do not want to be pissed on... You are correct in that Strivectin-SD has been proven to be effective in reducing minor facial wrinkles (such as crows feet) when used on a continuous basis. Developed and marketed by Klein-Becker Strivectin was lucky enough to come onto the market at the same time a similar product was being presented at the 2oth World Congress of Dermatology. The double blind study did show that a product developed in Europe was effective in reducing minor wrinkling..and as luck would have according to KB officials our product Strivectin-SD had some of the same ingredients. So this was not a study on Strivectin but probably pretty good indication of results you could expect if you used the product. All of this is documented and available from the company. At this time I know of no such independent studies in the world wide community (in doing my doctoral studies) that show or represent any results of fat loss ( which includes celluloid)due to rubbing on of a topical cream. If the company which is marketing this product as a rub on fat remover has such research they had not made it public. So as I stated...better to be pissed off then pissed on...even in Texas

I certainly appreciate your digging up some of the Avon company literature...which certainly bears out what I referenced in the first place. The product is designed to reduce the appearance of surface or topical wrinkles or pot the appearance of a reduction in cellulite, and the fact that it is guaranteed makes it so (ok). I can guarantee you that someone is going to win the SuperBowl this year which is being played in Houston. If they don't I will give you your money back. I would just like to have the money some of our ladies will spend to buy this stuff until it gets rid of the fat.... Do your own research..paid advertising (gossip) about something as important as your health needs to find the back door and make it way out...but the choice is yours...

Thank you doctor for that informative lecture. I think I'll go shoot Santa Claus now and then tell my kids there's no Easter Bunny too.....
b]You guy's are killin me! I could read this **** all night. I don't think I laughed all day until the last few minutes with you guy's. Thank you, I needed it!!!!!

bluepisces-I love your santa claus and easter bunny comeback! You have to admit bcsimpsonjp, that was a GOOD ONE...

It is ridiculous when people decide to play disciple or war crusader- for pete's sake, it's just stuff. Stop pissing on people's parade. If we want to pollute our bodies, dont condemn it and make living any way other than yours sound like guaranteed death- you think theres a "no death" clause in all those herbs and twigs? Everyone's gonna die, healthy or not. Its plenty obvious you dont agree with it so why not agree to disagree without the ugly attitude of "youre just killing your bodies" blahdy blah. I myself find the whole elitist attitude of the Leafy People tiresome. All that extra energy could be spent on a Stairmaster, burning up that nasty cellulite, huh?
Ok I must say, this has ramped up into a bit of a flame war :) But that's cool. Just remember whoever wins has to face me with boxing gloves on LOL FLAME IT UP LADIES!! (ps don't worry im a wimp)

Originally Posted by bluepisces

Thank you doctor for that informative lecture. I think I'll go shoot Santa Claus now and then tell my kids there's no Easter Bunny too.....

LOLOL holy **** that was funny

I guess if someone brings Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny into the discussion there is evidence that the fat buster cream does have adverse affects when applied between the ears. Unfortunately when discussions of health and wellness are taken to a personal level as evidenced here in this topic there are people who are betting the bank that this stuff works..why because probably something they have either invested time or money in...whatever the reason when emotion replaces logic and common sense the topic is no longer worth discussing in a format such as this. As stated you make your own decisions as a grown up women/man...if you think that commentary such as seen in previous posts is enlightening or makes you feel better about your course of action...hey have at it...maybe your SC or EB character has some good meantime your ignorance of the reason for the discussion has outshown any benefit you can bring to the table....

Why not get off your soapbox and just let people be? Crusade somewhere else or some other cause.
For whatever reason you feel you have more right to express an opinion about fact or fiction is something I find interesting. Obviously you have some problem with a point of view that is designed to be of informational value to some and no value to others. You have no idea of what my wellness practice is based on however you choose to make comments that are unbased and unfounded. You have a prejudice that is readily apparent and blatant. You are welcomed to your I tell many of our group in a comical way...opinions are like certain parts of your anatomy...everyone has one...and you are living to a fellow lady Texan.....hookem horns....seems like you are going to have to put up with some of facts of life...your **** does stink...and so does your lack of knowledge....

Becuse I'm intolerant of natural remedies being preached, yes PREACHED, (much like religious crusaders and militant anti-abortionists) doesnt mean I'm ignorant of what youre talking about- I've done the whole natual thing, including 2 at home waterbirths with both my children, taking them to a homeopathic clinic in Phoenix, AZ when they were sick and buying all the naturopathic books and magazines- and what it comes down to is that I find that the natural community has a very "all or nothing" mentality- I can treat my sons' scrapes or illnesses with natural remedies but if I let them have a bag of Doritos then I've ruined their health! Most of my run ins with the leafy people have seemed very cult-ish and just plain weird, so if I sound a bit bitter about the whole thing, this is why. As for my living in Texas, what in the world does that have to do with anything? I know I'm begging for another long winded response in even posting again, but is mentioning our home state supposed to make me embrace you as a sister or something? If it makes any difference, in a week West VA will be my homestate, so yay Marshall Thundering Herd
For whatever reason the informational discussion about whether a fat removing cream really does work has gravitated to a very harsh discussion on prejudices perceived about natural healing. I have taken the time to answer this last post via a private message since the prejudices espressed are not what the topic is covering. Response to the topic had to do with whether this fat (cellulite) reducing cream does work. My answers have been based on the information and factual data on products of this specific nature. At no point has anyone preached natural healing as alleged in previous reply posts. This is the reason the PM and hence the end to this eline from my perspective. For whatever reasons the posts have taken an ugly posture and no one is served by continuing. For those that have read my posts I apologize for any inconsiderations...


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