Restore out of shape brushes... forums

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Jul 7, 2005
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ooh look what i found on ebay!!! and i could totally use this, cuz my my MAC #209 brush is all out of shape, after one use!! it was so weird, no matter how much i washed it and kept the bristles together as it dried, it still dried with the bristles sticking outward!! what do you guys think? you can get it on ebay or probably at an art supply store since it shows art brushes.

that is a great idea!

but i wonder if the chemicals that are used in the paint brushes are ok to use on your skin for makeup brushes?

What the heck is it??? I mean how does it work...and I agree with Retro, I am not sure you could use it on your face?

thats true...didnt think about that! well maybe after you restore it to its normal shape and considering it stays that way, lol, then maybe you can just wash it again with the mac cleanser?

arent art brushes more tougher? makeup brushes are softer and spreads out more...but it is a good idea if you find a good art brush!


If it a product dedicated to art brushes that are used for paints (oil, acrylic, etc...), then I wouldn't use it for makeup brushes.

i would, and then just rinse afterward, i mean if alot of us are using pressed pigments in alcohol, and then using it on our eyes, so we're basically putting alcohol in our eyes?

FYI, there is a Tutorial on You Tube if you type in "Brush Shaper" by EnkoreMakeup that shows you how to use the brush shaper product. You can get it at Michaels or any craft store. HTH

i bought this ONCE as an art student. basically, it's just like a light weight hair conditioner!!! plus before you use your brush again, you had to rinse them, to get rid of the "conditioner film". it's super cheap, available at any art supply store... but it's basically the consistency of conditioner from the $1 store.

so that's what i did with my art brushes, as well as with my makeup brushes... every once in awhile i just condition them... they are hair after all, and like any hair, needs the oils to be replaced to keep them in any type of condition.

I've used products from the art store a few times for restoring brushes, it's a pink gel and it was just fine on my very sensitive skin


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