Ringtones For Cellphone

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May 19, 2006
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I really need some help. Awhile back my sister-in-law put some songs into my phone. She just typed them in from her phone. I was just curious as to how you do that???

I have a razr and altell is my cell company.

Depending on the cell it has a ringtone editor - but it only does basic songs . She could as well have it sent to your cellphone . But since you have a razr, you can edit on the computer, transfer and put your own mp3 s as ringtones

I have no clue. I have three cell phones but I left them all in storage back in Toronto. I don't hate cellphone, but I don't understand the hype about them

No idea! I'm not huge on mobiles. I just get a new phone when the company I'm with phone me up and tell me I can have a new one.

I keep mine on Vibrate but my kids who have Verizon and my daughter has a Pink Razor, they download them off Verizon.. Some free some costs money.. My son always has some screaming angry band as a RT.. Nothing like someone yelling that they hate your guts and all you friends when you get a phone call.. Lol


I get mine from Verizon for like $2.99 a pop. There are a few free sites out there, but I can't recall the names. I'll post a link to one when I get home.

Originally Posted by marshall1704 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I really need some help. Awhile back my sister-in-law put some songs into my phone. She just typed them in from her phone. I was just curious as to how you do that???
I have a razr and altell is my cell company.

IDK what you meant by "type them in" maybe she downloaded it or she sent them via bluetooth from her cell.

What I do is record songs from youtube and assign it as my ringtone. And since my SLVR works better than my husbands RAZR, I always send it to him via bluetooth or MMS and bingo, he has a FREE ringtone.


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