Has anyone tried this?? Does it stay on if you get rained on he he he. Would hate to have streaks. Says on the bottle comes off easily with soap, water and washcloth. Just wondering how resistant it is.
Originally Posted by wvpumpkin Has anyone tried this?? Does it stay on if you get rained on he he he. Would hate to have streaks. Says on the bottle comes off easily with soap, water and washcloth. Just wondering how resistant it is.
I've tested it on my hands and that's about it. Check local stores return policies (no I'm going to pimp my place of employment) before buying. I did like it when I used it. Sounds like if it doesn't rain soapwater, you're good to go.
I have it, I use it, I like it a lot. I used it in many weather conditions (like humid and hot) and it comes of easily, i never head streaks. I am not sure how it would behave in rain though