San Diego meetup pic - updated again! forums

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Advanced Member
Apr 23, 2014
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We had a lovely San Diego meetup last night - Tabasc, me, wadedl, and lovepink swapped beauty products and enjoyed a little wine! 

We're hoping to plan another one - such a fun time!

We will be moving back to SoCal pretty soon! I hope this meet up will continue and would love to join! Yay, beautful ladies!

Glad to hear all this positive feedback! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Anyone is more than welcome to join next time! We met up at The Wine Pub in Point Loma, and once before at WineSteals.. There's a recurring theme here lol.

Wow, cool!  glad you all met up.  Sounds like blast.  I'm in SD quite often as we live in Orange County
We'll keep you posted about upcoming meetups if you ever want to pop in! It's a great time!
Next time my husband is so staying home! He was being a baby about not wanting to be home with the kids.I rented them the Hobbit so they were covered until bed time. Actually when I got home they had just gotten in bed and came complaining because grandpa had made them go to bed without finishing the movie.  So they finished it in the morning and it turned out there was only about 30 seconds left! lol

I also realized when I got there that I was missing a bunch of things. I told my mom last week she could look through my stuff and she took some things but she must have taken more than I thought. Like all the bb creams and some hair products.

Hi Ladies! For those of you that expressed an interest our next swap is the 15 of June at Babycakes in the Hillcrest neighborhood of SD. We are going to dress up and send a fancy pic to BB! Let me know if you want to come!

Just wanted to share a new picture of the meetup we had over the weekend here in San Diego! We enjoyed cupcakes and wine while swapping beauty products - so fun! 


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