Secret Santa 2014 Reveals forums

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I definitely always thought smh is so much hate. *shrugs*

LOL, you guys are making me smile...reminds me of the time some of my coworkers were trying to figure out what some abbreviations meant and they got to "smh"...before I could tell them what it meant, one of the older ones guessed "uh, smell my hole??"
oh that's concerning...which hole are they referring to? O____O

also reminds me of the recent discussion where people were trying to figure out what this was:


(spoiler: it's a bunny, but I think someone thought it was boobs XD)

oh that's concerning...which hole are they referring to? O____O

also reminds me of the recent discussion where people were trying to figure out what this was:


(spoiler: it's a bunny, but I think someone thought it was boobs XD)
I always thought it was Kyubey. (But believe me, a bunny is much better...)

Kyuu said:
#2 I don't know what you look like!
Hi!  Nice to 'meet' you! Hahaha!!  Sadly, my mug is all over MUT hahaha but I couldn't find you at all so THANK YOU!  Such a lovely young lady! :smilehappyyes:   

also reminds me of the recent discussion where people were trying to figure out what this was: /人◕‿‿◕人\ (spoiler: it's a bunny, but I think someone thought it was boobs XD)
I found my post!  It was in the Sephora discussion thread on 11/9/14!  Here is what I said:

'Oh that's a bunny??? LMAO!!!  I thought it was kind of a racy image, but I see the bunny now!  HAHAHAHA!'

And then I think someone else later actually said she thought boobs too. So funny!!

 I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties you have been going through this past year, I hope that this move is a blessing in disguise for you in the long run and I'm sure us MUT gals wish you only the best that is yet to come especially as the New Year is just around the corner  :flowers:   . I'm happy to hear that the gift brought a little bit of joy and some stress relief to you, it just makes it that all more special to know that you are enjoying the gift. I was more than happy and thrilled to have shopped for you and it was wonderful to have stalked you too and get to know you as weird as that may sound but that's ok in this case lol. 

Anyhoot I would have been thrilled to have any of the girls on here, this was another fun and fabulous SS MUT exchange year - loved it. Can't wait to do it again  :luv:
I am trying my best to grin, bear it and adjust to this new normal. Three generations of women in one household= :bringiton: . But my fuzzy socks and Passion tea (thanks to you!) help me deal with the chaos, lol!

All the best in 2015!!!

@ if you look at your post #746, you can see what I talked about in your letter...the stocking stuffer at the top!  So it is on its side, but if you mentally stand it up, you will see the (extra) scarf and 'bow' hat on the penguin!!  Do you see it?? HAHAHAHA!!

ETA: I knew I did that at least twice LOL!!

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My reveal (finally) for my gift from @@elizabethrose :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Some of these pictures are really bad so I apologize.  My house has such bad lighting and I took the pictures when it was dark out already.

This gift was so much fun to open!  I couldn't believe how much there was in this box. Also, the packaging was so pretty.  I only took a few pictures of wrapped gifts but they were all wrapped so nicely.  Sorry I've been giving you inferior wrapped gifts @@elizabethrose  :lol:

Okay, onto the goodies!  Part one!

The first look inside the box. So much stuff!


A couple pictures of how nicely the gifts were wrapped.



Card and nail tattoos


I love tea and I was gifted this tea!  It is Coco Chai Rooibos by David's Tea.  I'm going to have a cup later today.  I love spicy teas and this sounds like it will be delicious.


To enjoy my tea in I have a new mug!  It is so cute!  I also found this really funny because for SS last year I gave @@elizabethrose a mug  :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


There were some samples and a L'Oreal eyeshadow in the mug!



Cookies!  They are so festive and delicious.  I shared some with my little cousin since he was over the house.  This picture is so bad (sorry).


Candy!  I'm a candy addict so candy is always appreciated.


Okay.  Part two will be on the way!!!

ETA: part two will be in a few hours.  I have to go out!
Everything is wrapped so pretty, and that tea looks delicious.

Now for my reveal!

The box with everything

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Bath products!!! Lavender bubble bath and herbal additive. I have so many relaxing baths in my future :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

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A perfect travel size hairspray. My hair is super thick, so this heavy hold is perfect!


Candles!! I love candles, and I'm so excited to try all of these scents. The fresh balsam.... SWOON!

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More good smelling items... PERFUME! I've wanted this set for SO LONG. I'm thrilled to add both of these to my fragrance collection.


Finally... a purse! The color is perfect, and I have been in need of a small purse for a long time. I carry giant totes with way too much stuff in them, and it's taken a really bad toll on my neck and back. This is literally PERFECT!



Thank you again, SO MUCH @@farrah3! I love every single thing. 
Nice reveal, that purse is so cute!

 On the eleventh day of Christmas my Santa gave to me: 11 Delicious Recipes!!

  I'm thrilled with this since I just love to cook and collect recipes! Just reading them had me slobbering on myself. DH and Momma are reading them so we can vote on which to try first :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


1 Tote Bag (with dry shampooo)

2 Fragrance Samples in two of my favorite scents

3 Pet treats, two for cats one for dawgster

4 Nail items, three polishes and a cuticle balm

5 face products, BB cream, blotting linens, Chella pencil, Beauty Blender and full size Fakeup

6 Household Items , Holiday dish towel, two fabulous candles, BBW handsoap, and two superlative Alhambra items, ( tray and container )

7 Handcrafted Gifts, cards, ornaments, salt scrub and purple lace scarf

8 Facial products, cleansers, cloths, moisturizers and makeup remover

9 Luscious Lippies:  YSL, Dior, UD, Too Faced , Shiro, IT Cosmetics, Laqa,Fresh, Doterra

10 Tasty Treats, assorted goodies for the whole family, nom-nom!!

11 Delicious Recipes, yummy!
Thats great, hope your family enjoys trying out the recipes.

I have returned for Part Two of my awesome gift from @@elizabethrose ! It's even better than part one :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

My first polish from Black Sheep Lacquer.  This one is 'Love Bites'.  I have always wanted to try Black Sheep Lacquer polishes but just haven't bought any yet so this is perfect.  I also love the color and it has heart shaped glitter in it.  


Another first for me.  My first black violet product!! I have wanted to try Black Violet but was never sure of what scents I wanted to try so I never made an order.  This is a body butter in the scent Cacoa Bean.  It smells better than I could have imagined.  I'm definitely going to be ordering more from Black Violet.


Some awesome indie samples!  @@elizabethrose was so nice to share some of the goodies that she received from the AFK advent calendar with me.  I am loving all of these!  I adore green eyeshadow so the two greens in here are perfect.  The GDE Hydraglaze is seriously so pretty. I've never tried any of the hydraglazes so super excited for it.  Also, so weird that she sent me Imogen by Blackbird.  I honestly just had a cart on Blackbird loaded last week and that was in it but I closed the window before making an order so how perfect is that?!


Holiday Cookie Hand Cream!  Hand cream is always needed! 


Nuts on Clark Cheddar and Caramel Popcorn! This was so good.  I say was because the bag is finished now.  I ate it all.  By myself. I don't know if I ever mentioned this but I love popcorn!  My boyfriend actually bought me a popcorn maker last year for Christmas because of how much I like it.  So good.  


Woot!  Fresh Sugar Lip Balm in Tulip.  These are my favorite lip balms and I've been dying to try the tulip color.  I wore it today and am love it.  It's the perfect pop of pink.


A nail file/buffer stick.  Will come in handy when it is time to do my next mani.  A glitter polish with blue and purple glitter.  Another polish that changes colors.  It changes to a pinkish/red color.  That will be fun to try!



A book!  I love to read and this book sounds really interesting.  I can't wait to read this knowing that @@elizabethrose picked it out for me :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


Eeep!  So excited about this Tocca set!  It has rollerballs and hand creams of Giulietta and Stella.  I really enjoy Tocca so this set will be put to good use!  The packaging is adorable too!


Okay.  The final part is coming up next!
Nice gifts, love Black Sheep Lacquer I got one of their polishes from my midsummer fairy that I love.

Was my Secret Santa! Oh my goodness, I was so overwhelmed when the box got here! She totally and completely spoiled me. As I mentioned in the main thread, this came at a great time because I'm not working today (yay holidays!) so I could open everything and take lots of pictures and come here and share them right away! 


All of the goodies in the box!


The super nice card (notice my pretty purple nails? Lol.)


I took everything out of the box first. I had no idea where to even start! 


I decided to put things in a collage because otherwise it would take me a million posts to get everything covered!  First some cookies - I have another tin of these open right now, it's good to know I have back ups! And some fruity tea! I'll definitely take it into work with me. I'm not a coffee drinker, but I love tea!  Some fun & seasonal bath stuff. My Santa's favorite Crystal Light - also going into work with me for when I get stick of straight'll keep me away from sodas! Finally, the first item I actually opened - the Balanced Guru No Frizz Oil. OMG. She could have just sent this and I would have been over the moon excited. I got it in my ipsy bag earlier this year and just ran out of it. It's amazing. I have super thick hair and in Florida it's a recipe for disaster, especially in the summertime. My hair has never looked better since I started using this. I love it!!


One of the boxes was a Birchbox box that had two baggies full of nail polish! All pretty reds & purples. I've never tried any Zoya polishes, so I'm really excited to give them a try!  On the right is a soup mug (which will get good use this week because my husband has the flu!) and a Captain America ornament. He's so handsome! Middle-left is a bunch of stuff that was in the box loose. I got a duckie for my Mom for Christmas and almost bought the wipes for myself, I'm excited to try them. Finally, in the bottom left there's lotion, lippies, eye liner, They're Real mascara, Real Chemistry mask (one of the only masks I've ever been able to use because it doesn't burn my skin, it's sitting empty on my sink right now!), Not Your Mother's Texturing Spray & Cream, and Beauty Protector Spray. Phew! I love it all and there's so much more to come!
Beautiful wrapping and the Captain America ornament is too cute.


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