September 2014 No/Low Buy: Hugs, Commiseration, and Confessional forums

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A little late, but better than never  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I've overdrafted my account for the first time because I forgot about an order, and my family is wondering why I keep buying stuff.  So, I need to go on a no-buy this month, with a few exceptions:

- I can get my Birchbox (it's already paid for w/ a yearly sub)

- Pick up an eyeliner for my Mom ($2.16)

- I might need more makeup wipes, in which case I'm allowed to pick some up (and use my $3.50 off $10 at Ulta to get them and something else, because it makes them cheaper that way)

- I can buy storage totes instead :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  My room is a mess, and I need to get it organized, but I have almost 0 storage space.

Other than that, nothing.  I don't need anything else, the only thing I'm lowish on is concealer, but I should have enough, but I do need to pick some up before the new year (the store is expected to close then).  And I really need to unsubscribe from the enabler thread, but it's my favorite to read.

Edit:  I knew I forgot something!  I'm also allowed to order something from Birchbox with my $30 credit (but only if it's something I actually want, and not just they hype getting to me) and I'm allowed to get my french nail guides.

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So i picked up some minis from sephora with my Store Credit (that I've seriously had since May and only NOW have started to whittle it down). I got a travel sized Purity face wash and a mini Tarte Energy cheek stain. I still have $30 or so left in store credit... It's the gift that never ends.

My boyfriend and I were going to meet out with some friends after our shopping adventure so BUT I had not a single lip product in my bag. Seriously. I usually have like, 12. We wandered around Sephora swatching and nada. Didn't like ANYTHING. eventually we settled on a Mac lipstick (first I ever bought, but @@SaraP gifted me one in Summerswap). $16 isn't horrible and I'm still in the safe zone in terms of spending. I guess it feels nice to know that I've almost run out of wants!

Oh. I am also the only person who wears make up in my very casual office. I go for a "natural" look but my efforts look like I'm dressed and done up for some glamorous event in comparison! Yeesh.

So far, I've been able to stick to my September plan. It helps that I have a literal mountain of packages from my slip-up last month.

Ok minor fail but minor success.

Fail: I went to check out the new CCO at the outlet mall that opened last month. I left after spending $37. Could have been MUCH worse and it was better than paying retail. But I didn't need either of them. So, fail.

Success: I've had 2 carts filled up on mac and memebox since Friday....and I can't pull the trigger. I have more money than I thought (cheers to paying your car loan twice on your budget leaving you with more than you thought!) but I just feel BAD spending the money. Like I don't need it and it's just more to add to the hoard. Can't do it so I'm proud of that!

I don't think I ever failed this early in the month. I ordered moisturizer from Paula's choice, which technically counts as a replacement. I was planing to use Birchbox points or a gift card for it. However, it was out of stock at Birchbox, so I couldn't use points and Paula's Choice site wouldn't take a gift card that I had. Boo... and of course I had to order at least a travel size of Mattyfing Fluid that I wanted to try ever since Ipsy teased me with it in August. And that's not even my main failure. The main one is that I ordered Too Faced Chocolate Bar from They had $20 off for new customers... and the pallet is never on sale... so I caved. Sigh... On a bright side there is a lot of stuff from Paula's choice site that I was really tempted to add to my order, but I managed to resist the temptation.

back to "necessities and replacement only" now...

I failed miserably last month. I went crazy at the Dollar Tree and, spending about $100. So the only thing I'm allowing myself is my elf beauty bundle and replacements for a while.I also splurged on Shea Moisture skin and hair care products, so I'm good on that for a while.

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Not doing great so far. Not doing too terrible either though. My goal was no non-essential purchases, knowing that it would be a challenge. I'm okay not meeting that goal, I just want to challenge myself to spend less every month.

I haven't purchased any clothes or cosmetics which are my two big problem areas so I already consider this week a win because of that.

I bought a few beauty/personal care items that were on sale but I'll be finished my current ones this month so they won't sit around as backups at least. I also placed a Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab order because I heard their shipping can take a while internationally so I didn't want to delay. Plus I only have a few travel sized perfumes so that's not a problem area for me. I've bought a few junk food/takeout items.. and a couple other small household decor/storage things.

Ok. So. Not doing so well at the whole "no buy" thing. So far have bought:

- Marc Jacobs The Bronze #12

- Tom Ford Lipstick (1 beyond allowed purchase)

- Tom Ford Contouring Cheek Color (1 beyond allowed purchase)

- Zoya Nail polishes

- Chanel Tisse Venitien Quad

- Jo Malone Pomegranate Noir Travel Candle

- Guerlain Abeille Royale Night Cream

- Impulse Cosmetics order

- Alchemic Muse order

I'm not going to lie, I returned a CRAP ton of stuff to Sephora because I felt pretty guilty about my impulse spending, but I have been in a really bad place mentally and this is the result. I can't say it won't happen again, all I can do is just keep trying to find other outlets for my stress and anxiety other than shopping. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

So it's one week in to September... and I had great intentions for not spending a lot this month... so far it hasn't gone well!  

It's a really good thing that I am a bargain shopper, because if I was honestly paying full retail for everything that I buy then I would probably be in the poor house by now!  I went to the Dollar Tree and bought one of the LA Colors lipstick/lip glosses, and I liked it so much that I went back and bought two more.  Then Big Lots had Revlon lip butter and Maybelline Color sensation lipstick for $2.  I only bought one of each, but I seriously want to go back and get every color they have in the Maybelline since it's my favorite!  I've also overbought lotion and bath stuff this month.  My Big Lots also had the Love and Toast lotion and body wash.  I started off buying the Honey Nectar lotion, and that spread to returning to buy the matching body wash and a couple other scents in the lotion.  I also got soap from TJ Maxx... so apparently I will smell good this month!

I went to Goodwill yesterday and spent $75.  Someone with very good taste apparently decided to empty their closet of all their 2P dresses from Ann Taylor and Calvin Klein.  It's like these dresses were waiting there for me.  I bought 11 dresses, plus a couple other tops and two pairs or shoes... the sales girl thought I was crazy.  On the one hand they do fit perfectly and I will get a lot of use out of them for work... on the other hand I already have nice work clothes and I could have just picked a couple instead of buying everything.  

Since I'm going to be traveling a lot in October I imagine there will be some shopping there, and then by November I'm in to Christmas shopping... when am I supposed to get back on track?!?

I've been really good so far...resisted and closed shopping carts.  Just bought some light fixtures to replace broken ones (but thats on the allowed list) and I've decided that its also time to do a clear out of the freezer fridge & pantry.  Too much food around...

Need to cut down on all hoarding in all areas of my life!

Not sure how I am going to tackle this one but the plan is to start work immediately.  We ate in all weekend - which is unheard of!  All the savings are going to be spent on the house.

Hoping to continue on this trend so far this month but I'm still visiting the enablers thread but have managed to resist so far).  

@@eastofthesun - that Lip tar set was on my daughters wish list for her birthday....but I'm not 100% sure she will actually use it as she rarely wears her lip tars as they take too long to apply perfectly on a normal school day!  It sold out before I could buy I guess that problem is solved lol

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I've been doing really good not buying makeup this month! I did buy yarn, though. Whoops. It doesn't go bad but it takes up more room:-/

Need to keep reminding myself that I don't need ANYTHING.

Birthday month! Birthday month! But my birthday very last day so I really can't justify celebrating all month long. I am going to try to be purchase free until the 15th so I can treat myself without feeling guilty. And I want to treat myself with things that will be both used and enjoyed, not just more stuff. Good luck this month everyone!

Made my allowed Haus of Gloi order!  And successfully resisted buying the September PopSugar box last night.  Closing that window was SO HARD, you guys!

That scarf!  It's so pretty! And I had a $10 off code!  But seriously, I just don't use the items I've gotten in past boxes and I DON'T NEED TO BUY THIS ONE. And I have a kajillion scarves! I don't need another one!
That's awesome! I'm so proud of you!

I've already ruined my no-buy! *falls into a pit of sobbing* I've been in a super bad way lately and when I can't sleep at night, I browse the internet. Tonight I caved on two lipsticks, one an indie, and a sample of an indie gloss. ARGHHHH!

It's okay, I am rallying. I have to return some items to Sephora that didn't work out, so in the end I should break even. But I need more willpower! Anyone have good tips on distracting yourself in the middle of the night when massive insomnia won't let you sleep? :flowers:
AWww, don't cry! I already ruined my no-buy too. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I've been in a bad way too... it's really hard to resist this stuff even when you're not in a bad situation. Add that emotional drainage and it's just that much harder to be disciplined.

Good job on returning some things to Sephora. I did that too! I returned a mascara and an eye pencil that I bought but didn't use. I used that store credit though, to help me buy something else I had wanted for a long time, instead of letting it sit until my allowed time to splurge in November.

And then I was even more of a weirdo- I bought some other things. The another day I bought some other things! Eugh, basically I failed my no-buy this month already by $136. Eugh!!!!

But, I am going to return the unused things I bought at Sephora, and wil just repurchase when there's 20% off in November. That's basically a $10 savings, so that's cool.

Then after I return those- no more buying anything until November! I need to just focus on the class I'm taking and on waking up on time, and on eating right, and maybe just put my shopping energy elsewhere- like into stalking the holiday sets, and making my list of holiday things I want to buy on Polyvore!!!

Got an email from Ulta saying they gave me a random 100 points ($3).  I went in yesterday, grabbed a pack of cotton rounds and a clearance nail file (both gifts!) and gave them $0.51 and WALKED OUT.  I couldn't stop myself from wandering the store, but everything I picked up, I immediately put down.  

I think I've broken the Ulta addiction!  (however, there's no hope for my indie addiction. Le sigh, lol)
Awesome! Congratulations on your willpower!

I'm a bit torn.  I need to save money, but this is my birthday month, and I'm finishing my PhD and interviewing for jobs, so I'm going to want to celebrate a bit.  I keep a spreadsheet with ALL my purchases, except rent and electricity, so I'm going to set my goal as spending less this month than any other month this year (and then beating it again in October).  April was my best month so far.  If I can fit a couple of birthday purchases in there, or a celebration dinner, then great, as long as my total comes to less than April.  The only hard and fast rule, no more clothes or shoes until Black Friday.  I need to stop looking at sale emails from my favorite clothing site!
I just wanted to say congratulations on finishing your phD- that is so awesome!

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I had to buy a new hair treatment conditioner but I went with a drugstore brand and it cost me about 9 bucks.

And I need to buy a bday present for a friend. She wants some Jill Stuart, so maybe I'll get her a blush.

Other than that, I'm doing great.

I have a car inspection coming up next month and in this country these things are horrendously expensive. So I need the cash.

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I have done pretty well so far.  I went to the mall on Sunday and went into both Ulta and Sephora, and didn't buy a single thing.  I did buy some makeup wipes for my Mom, she rarely washes her makeup off at night (ick), but lately I've been buying her the wipes and she'll use those when she remembers.  Plus I had a coupon to use, so it was either 2 cases of pop or a package of wipes, so I'd consider that to be a wash  :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

And the other day, I used up a face wash!  I take forever to use stuff up, plus I also found 3 chapsticks and a lipgloss that were extremely expired by now.  2 of the chapsticks were from when I was still in elementary school, the other chapstick and the lip gloss was from middle school.  So, into the nearest garbage they went.  I couldn't believe I still had them, they were my favorites back in the day.

I'm doing good so far with not buying any makeup, but I've been playing with my new goodies too, so I'm content with my stash. I'm just trying to cut down on unnecessary spending in general, because I'm tired of being behind on bills and paying late fees. I wanted to order takeout so bad yesterday, but I reminded myself that I would feel better with the money still in my wallet.

With subscription boxes (and results of my no buy failures) on the way, urge to buy pretties somewhat subsided (at least for the time being). I'm content playing with my stash for now. 

Stressed + tired = I want to shop! I'm trying to be good. I still haven't put away my purchases from last month so I do not need ANYTHING!

I may be suffering from the end of summer blues. Where has this year gone?

 I must confess that I bought $18 worth of stuff from the Lorac Hautelook sale last week. Two Cococin cream foundations in Fair for $5 each and gel liners in dark green and Black Ruby for $4 each.


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