Should we judge people by their clothes? forums

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even though sometimes it's hard not to. i try not to b/c clothes don't make who a person is, they're just a cover up. i'v met people who look nice, but really not nice people.

I do not think that people should be judged solely by their clothes, however, I do think that clothes tell you something about the person, their taste, their emotional state, vanity and even insecurities.

:iagree: I completely agree! Even if we dont mean to we still do, its sort of like a library index you automatically sort people into certain groups, THEN you get to know them. If you really think about how you remember or think about things then you'll probably see that things in your mind are grouped together with lists, the pros and cons.

I agree full-heartedly! We shouldn't judge people by their appearance, but we do, it's a reaction we can't control.

I think anyone who is willing to help me when I get in a car accident is a friend indeed. I want to say that judging on clothes is wrong, but people do it anyway. Especially the way you described "goth" and "emo". Those are two subcultures that have major fashion influences in the followers, but it can be more than the fashion. They can also be stereotypes created by people who haven't come in substantial contact with the subcultures. They can still be good people even if (believe it or not) they're just in it for the fashion, too.

I think people judge others by looks because they feel more comfortable thinking that they know what people are all about. The truth is, we can't know what people are all about unless we get to know them and spend time with them.

I don't know why, but we live in a world where we can't trust all the people we meet, and to me judging by looks is a defense people have come up with to try to avoid being made uncomfortable by others who have different ideals, beliefs and personalities.

I'm not saying it's right, that's just my experience as a high schooler. I'm not saying I never judge people by the way they dress, because I think we all do it; but the difference is those who use it to pick who they want to be around and those who try to treat everyone equally.

Okay sorry I went off on a tangent lol

No we shouldn't judge a person by clothing simply because that may give them an extra handicap that they have to overcome in your mind. And that's just not fair.

i judge people by their personalities but in the spur of the moment there are times when i do make assumptions about people based on looks (hey everyone does it ) but its not based on their clothes its based on their grooming habits. to me that says a lot more than what labels he/she are wearing.

no, people shouldn't judge others by their appearance. they have to get to know someone first.:6:

if i was in a car:drive: accident, i wouldn't care who stoppped to help me. as long,

as the person was a good intentioned, descent, human being that wanted to help their fellow man/ or woman:angel:

:hlp: just get me to the ER pronto:med:

How someone is dressed will always give off a first impression. Whether that first impression is correct or not will have to be found out.

Wow! I'm surprised that a large majority of your classmates think we (or rather, "they") SHOULD judge people by the clothes they wear. Pretty judgmental group of classmates I'd say! (You did say that, right? Maybe I read it wrong. I'm getting old...)

I've personally known many a person who although quite wealthy, they actually looked like a homeless person living on skid row... (and sometimes smelled like it too...) Sure they're a bit eccentric, but lovely, kind, and GENEROUS people nonetheless. If I had judged these people to begin with they wouldn't be the good friends they are of mine today.

As an overweight woman, I like to refer to myself as a BBW (Big Beautiful Woman)... Aside from the fact that I don't give a crap what people think of me based on what I look like via the clothes I wear, etc. anyway, I have been so tempted to buy a t-shirt and wear it that says, "Does this shirt make my butt look big??" or something like that... I'd love to see (and hear) the reaction and judgement of people... Maybe I'll wear it to my local Wal-Mart or something....

Good luck on your essay!

Well, there's a difference between making assumptions about someone based on their attire and JUDGING them because of it. Judgement is a matter of right or wrong. So judging someone because of the way they dress would be to say that that person is right/wrong for dressing the way that they do.

I don't judge, and I would like to think that most people dont. As far as observations/assumptions, I completely agree with FeverDream. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I have found in the own incounters, the people that do judge you are thoughs who aren't the brightest bulbs. Everyone judges quietly to themselves, however truely intelligent people make the effort to look beyond the 2cents

I quite agree with that. I am very open to any person/people. I think of it more like 'assessing someone' than 'judging' someone. When you are in a situation or when you see someone, you make an assessment of that. You might see someone with goth clothing and think 'whoa, that's weird'. Or if you're into that you might think 'that's awesome!'. There are tons of little things you observe that you probably never even think about, yet they affect your opinion of someone.


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