Silly question but when do i apply a toner? forums

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Dec 17, 2007
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I'm new to using toners. i just bought some pure witchhazel but don't know when i'm supposed to use it. after i cleanse but before i moisturize? but then doesn't the moisturizer counter the tightening action of the toner? what to do what to do...

the order is cleanse, scrub (if neccessary) tone, moisturise. autumnagain is right, you wait until the toner has evaporated before you apply the moisturiser.

toner is not just used to 'tighten' the skin - it also refines the look of the pores, so by moisturising you won't be undoing the work of the toner

phew! i did it right this morning - thanks. the toner[witchhazel] seemed to make no difference at all. is that normal? is it doing something i can't see but is good for me?

Originally Posted by corri /img/forum/go_quote.gif phew! i did it right this morning - thanks. the toner[witchhazel] seemed to make no difference at all. is that normal? is it doing something i can't see but is good for me? you're more likely to get longer term results than overnight miracles. You know that toner recipe I mentioned? You can also use witch hazel distillate as the "liquid" portion

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