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Originally Posted by MakeupGalore /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hmm when I click on the house it ask for the image URL?? I'm on an iPad if that makes a difference

You can do image url or choose "browse computer". If its on your computer, select "choose file" then pick the picture, and select submit. 

I googled sindulge reviews and one girl was at the launch party...obviously every box should be different but she got a Youngblood primer, eye cream (I think) and lipgloss, a me eyeliner, which I actually thought was a little cool because it came with a built in sharpener in the lid. She also got the wipes and a nail polish.

Originally Posted by CookiesGirl327 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I googled sindulge reviews and one girl was at the launch party...obviously every box should be different but she got a Youngblood primer, eye cream (I think) and lipgloss, a me eyeliner, which I actually thought was a little cool because it came with a built in sharpener in the lid. She also got the wipes and a nail polish.


Originally Posted by calexxia /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ya mean like MyGlam's inaugural bag? ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

You know it! 

I really hope I don't get those LA Make up Remover wipes or whatever they're called. I got those last month in BB and they were T E R R I B L E. I can't express it enough.. Ugh!!!

Has anyone heard from them about shipping notices? It's been a week since my consultation now...I left a message on their FB but no word back yet.

I've tried to copy and paste my text chat consultation with Ami below--hope it works.  Mine was a little over 20 minutes, probably because I was working at the same time.  She was very patient and seemed quite nice.  I was frustrated up until now with the whole company, since I had to reschedule my consult 3 times.  However, it was brief, painless, and worked perfectly this time!  I know some of you are nail polish fans so hopefully you'll get the nail polish I didn't want.  The only thing I wanted to avoid was getting ANOTHER dermologica exfolating sample--one in BB and 1 in Sample Society is plenty, especially since I already use it!

Ami has joined the chat.
Ami: Hi Monica
Monica: Hi, Am
Ami: How are you today?
Monica: Good, you?
Ami: I'm great, thanks!
Monica: Sorry to be early--I wanted to make sure it was going to work!
Ami: Let's get to the beauty consult if that's good with you
Ami: no problem at all =)
Monica: perfect
Ami: I sign in a few minutes early just in case as well
Ami: So since this is text, I just need a little background from you re: your skin tone/type/coloring
Ami: and also your age
Monica: I'm 26, fair to medium skin tone, combination skin, blond hair, blue eyes
Ami: Ok, great. And as far as any beauty concerns go?
Ami: What would you say are your biggest?
Monica: No major beauty concerns, though I am starting to experiment with anti-aging creams. I wear a good deal of makeup on a normal day--foundation, powder, blush, eye shadow, eyeliner, lipgloss, mascara--so you could say I'm kind of a makeup fanatic
Ami: It's never too early to start with anti-aging and 26 is the perfect age to start thinking about it ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Ami: We have a great eye cream that isn't too harsh that you can start testing out
Monica: My color choices tend to lean towards rosy pinks--oranges and yellows tend to wash me out with bright blond hair.
Monica: That sounds great--it's hard to find one that actually "works", since unlike makeup, you can't really see the effects!
Ami: Right, well, right now since you probably don't have any wrinkles or undereye problems, the effects of eye creams may not be as visible to you
Ami: But--it is preventative, so you may notice down the line when other 28 or 30 yr old women are experiencing wrinkles, you won't
Ami: if that makes sense ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Monica: Makes perfect sense, thanks!
Ami: but the eye area is the most sensitive and it is the thinnest skin on our bodies so we want to not be too abrasive with what we use as well, so that's why I think this one will be a great starting point for you
Ami: Also- a great tip for someone your age is to exfoliate 2x a week
Ami: this could be as simple as taking a lemom, cutting it in half, dipping it in sugar and scrubbing your face for about 2 min (just a little at-home-trick that I use often)
Monica: I definitly exfoliate a good amount--I use the dermologica exfoliation powder semi-regularly, but I love the lemon idea! What a great idea
Monica: I'm definitely going to try that!
Ami: That's a great product too! I love the lemon because it's a natural antioxidant and it's cheap but really works ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Monica: I love ideas like that-thanks for sharing
Ami: My pleasure!
Ami: So, i think I have some good ideas of what I want to send you in your first sample pack unless you'd like to add anything?
Ami: Preventative anti-aging eye cream, some fun eyeliners, a good, new primer for you to test out and some fun nail polishes
Monica: I love the list--except the nail polishes, sorry! I should have mentioned I get my nails done so I always have a french manicure on my fingernails. Is that a problem?
Ami: Not a problem at all..I'll find something else to put in your pack that I think you'll find interesting to try out
Monica: Sorry to throw you a curveball! Thanks, Ami!
Ami: Not at all..always good to know what people don't need/want so it's not a waste for you =)
Ami: Have a great day and you'll get an email when your pack is sent out!
Monica: Perfect, thanks again!

Obviously it didn't work...sorry.  Main points were that she'd be sending eye shadow, nail polish, primer, and eye cream and that they should ship in a week!

Originally Posted by MissMonica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Obviously it didn't work...sorry.  Main points were that she'd be sending eye shadow, nail polish, primer, and eye cream and that they should ship in a week!

Seems like everyone is getting the same products, since those are the items I keep hearing. 

I was told I would be getting a dark spot corrector. I guess we will wait and find out! If I get the same things as everyone else then we will know that they didn't really go by the consultations and are just giving everyone the same things. At this point I don't have high expectations of this company.


Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Seems like everyone is getting the same products, since those are the items I keep hearing. 

I had my consult today, 15 minutes on my phone because I totally forgot, and almost called home and made my husband do it for me. He was relieved that I decided to try it on my phone, lol. Ami said I would be getting an eye cream, primer, finishing powder, and nail polish :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

The person I spoke with mentioned a foundation, so that would be a different product. We'll see if I actually get it:)

eye cream, primer, nail polish, same same same, imo. For such "personalization", I'm just not seeing it. I guess we'll see once every one get's their packages. 

Mine mentioned foundation, eyeshadow, nail polish, an exfoliator...that sounds a lot more than what some of you guys are getting. I'm wondering if they were trying to keep me happy because they had technical issues and had to reschedule my consultation?


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