Skin Care Tip of the Day - Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2007 (Another homemade mask) forums

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Mar 2, 2006
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Homemade Skin Care Recipe: Homemade mask with oats and milk

submitted by Maria, Brooklyn, NY USA

Tip description / details:

I use ingredients straight from my refrigerator to make my own cleansers and masks.


1/2 cup of oats; 1 cup of milk; 3 tbsp of honey

How to prepare:

Warm the milk and add the oatmeal just as you would if you were going to eat it. Add 3 Tbsp. honey, or enough to make the mixture sticky. Enjoy! You can also add a few drops of lavender essential oil.

How to use:

Apply to face and let it dry. Wash it off with warm water. Leftover mixture can be put in tupperware and stored in the refrigerator for a few days.

Results (observed by submitter):

My skin always feels very soft and clean after I use this mask.

Costs involved:


Originally Posted by kaville /img/forum/go_quote.gif Homemade Skin Care Recipe: Homemade mask with oats and milk submitted by Maria, Brooklyn, NY USA

Tip description / details:

I use ingredients straight from my refrigerator to make my own cleansers and masks.


1/2 cup of oats; 1 cup of milk; 3 tbsp of honey

How to prepare:

Warm the milk and add the oatmeal just as you would if you were going to eat it. Add 3 Tbsp. honey, or enough to make the mixture sticky. Enjoy! You can also add a few drops of lavender essential oil.

How to use:

Apply to face and let it dry. Wash it off with warm water. Leftover mixture can be put in tupperware and stored in the refrigerator for a few days.

Results (observed by submitter):

My skin always feels very soft and clean after I use this mask.

Costs involved:


Thanks! I can do this with microdermx that I use. It took away almost all of my acne scars, but this looks very soothing for after I apply the microdermx.

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