Skin relief eye cream forums

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Oct 26, 2006
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so..i bought this skyn relief eye cream and it's pretty good so far...

when i put it on my eyes..there is a nice skin tightening feel...who knows if it actually does work or is a gimmick..but it feels really nice

The sales lady started to tell me that it has marine botanicals all imported from iceland and there are no parabens..(most cosmetic companies use them for cheap preservatives) and that's fine..i prefer no parabens anyway..but they can be difficult to avoid...

So..we'll see how this turns out..but it's really cool cuz i tried to get some creme out of the bottle and it was a bit difficult..the cream yield to the pressure of my finger..and the consistency of the cream was really spongy...i was actually having a good time just lifting my finger up and down ...(i'm easily entertained..yes, i know)...

That's my review on far

Icelandic Relief Eye Cream with Biospheric Complex

Thanks for the review! I heard about it and wanted to try it as well. You should put it in the reviews section if you haven't already!

I was looking at this on Sephora's website. Thanks for the review. I might have to try it. Ditto to Solimar's suggestion to put your review in the review center!! Thanks!

Alright you two....I took your advice..and did it!! I did a review on it..mind you my first too!!

Be's quite long and lengthy...and hopefully informative to those who read it.

Originally Posted by lummerz /img/forum/go_quote.gif Alright you two....I took your advice..and did it!! I did a review on it..mind you my first too!!
Be's quite long and lengthy...and hopefully informative to those who read it.

YAH!! Thank you!! The more reviews the better!
i purchased this eye cream last year at the sephora shades of beauty event. it didn't do a thing for me! i was kind of bummed because i spent quite a bit of cash for it. oh well, everything doesn't work for everybody! maybe you'll see better results!


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