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Feb 22, 2006
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I can purchase Monave locally? I just happened to go on the site to check on a CP I'm doing for someone, and noticed the bottom of the page had a link to "Locations." Out of the two locations in ALL of NY, one is here in the same city as me. Interesting... If I had known, I could've just gone to pick up the samples instead of ordering online LOL! At least now I know I can just go take a gander at everything since I've never tried ANYTHING from Monave. Just thought I'd share that tidbit o' info I learned today LOL!

Originally Posted by KellyB /img/forum/go_quote.gif Awesome! They are my fave MMU. Aprill said their products are awesome... I should really look into them LOL!
Yes you need something else to spend money on.

Monaves glosses, shadows, and blushes are excellent. Personally I like their foundation as do many others, but.... some don't. It's great that you can shop and sample with Monave locally.

Originally Posted by Ronnie /img/forum/go_quote.gif Monaves glosses, shadows, and blushes are excellent. Personally I like their foundation as do many others, but.... some don't. It's great that you can shop and sample with Monave locally. I just need to call and make sure they really do still carry Monave. If so, any recommendations ladies?
that's really cool......who would have known right in your own backyard!!! Aquilah if you like full coverage than you will like Monave foundations. But lucky much easier to try the samples in person!! I wonder if they carry the full line? are a doll for doing a CP

Originally Posted by dentaldee /img/forum/go_quote.gif that's really cool......who would have known right in your own backyard!!! Aquilah if you like full coverage than you will like Monave foundations. But lucky much easier to try the samples in person!! I wonder if they carry the full line? are a doll for doing a CP

NP! You know I'm always willing to help you (or any other MuTer) out! I just wish I had known first! I still haven't been told anything was shipped
Originally Posted by Aquilah /img/forum/go_quote.gif I can purchase Monave locally? I just happened to go on the site to check on a CP I'm doing for someone, and noticed the bottom of the page had a link to "Locations." Out of the two locations in ALL of NY, one is here in the same city as me. Interesting... If I had known, I could've just gone to pick up the samples instead of ordering online LOL! At least now I know I can just go take a gander at everything since I've never tried ANYTHING from Monave. Just thought I'd share that tidbit o' info I learned today LOL! MONAV is one of my faver MMU. I like this brand and I recommended!!!good luck :)

Originally Posted by Aquilah /img/forum/go_quote.gif I just need to call and make sure they really do still carry Monave. If so, any recommendations ladies? sorry but why you dont order from the site?
Originally Posted by AngelaGM /img/forum/go_quote.gif Now I want to buy another brand of MMU! why???????
Originally Posted by simisimi100 /img/forum/go_quote.gif sorry but why you dont order from the site? Um... I guess you didn't catch what I was saying earlier. Why order from the site and wait up to 2 weeks to get something when I can just go to the store and get it right then and there in person?
Originally Posted by Aquilah /img/forum/go_quote.gif Um... I guess you didn't catch what I was saying earlier. Why order from the site and wait up to 2 weeks to get something when I can just go to the store and get it right then and there in person? uupss... sorry that I didnt get your point.. you know my inglish is not very good.. but Im think that you right.. if I had a store to go to.. I will do it..

but in israel there is no MMU store.. so I have to order from the internet..

and sorry egain that I didnt understand you earlyer..

have a wonderfull weekend!



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