So I used my CCB's... forums

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Jul 21, 2005
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They are an interesting texture... VERY creamy, and they go on much lighter than the pot looks... I got Flighty which is a very pretty plummy color, and Root which is a dark brown.

In these pics I used Root over my lid and Flighty to highlight by my brow. I put MAC Paint in Bare Canvas under it all...

I think I like them, we'll see about thier staying power tomorrow...

ccbs are ticky to use. they tend to crease.

try using ud pp under all of it to see if that helps any

they look really nice on you though.

Wow, very pretty natural look on you!

Originally Posted by MACGoddess They are an interesting texture... VERY creamy, and they go on much lighter than the pot looks... I got Flighty which is a very pretty plummy color, and Root which is a dark brown.
In these pics I used Root over my lid and Flighty to highlight by my brow. I put MAC Paint in Bare Canvas under it all...

I think I like them, we'll see about thier staying power tomorrow...

Looks like fun! I would love to hear how their staying power compares to other MAC shadows.

Those are very pretty on you, Leila!!
I love your eye color!

i really like that color on you it is very pretty.
i have bronze and i like it because it gives a nice glow to the skin.

yeah they were creasing some... I'll have to find somewhere to buy some UD PP...I heard they were out so I have to see if I can scrounge some up. I wonder if the Nordies by me might carry UD...

The colours really suit you. You should definitely pick up UD PP to stop the creasing so you can wear them more often!

I'm kicking myself for swapping away my HUSH CCB now! I only tried it out like twice and gave up **ggrr**

Originally Posted by jennycateyez wow this thread is old but wanted to say it looks good! i want to try some ccb
I totally agree, it looks great. And I want to try it too!
Originally Posted by Laura I'm kicking myself for swapping away my HUSH CCB now! I only tried it out like twice and gave up **ggrr** Hush = awesomeness... lol
Originally Posted by jennycateyez wow this thread is old but wanted to say it looks good! i want to try some ccb
LOL! I can't believe this old thread got dragged up!

Honestly, I want you guys to try CCBs with MAC Paint underneath. This combo is KILLER as an e/s base! Otherwise, the CCBs crease on the eyes rather horribly, at least they do on me!

You can also use them on your cheeks and lips (just check to make sure the one for lips is lip safe!)

Originally Posted by Laura I'm kicking myself for swapping away my HUSH CCB now! I only tried it out like twice and gave up **ggrr** lol I am kicking youfor swapping away Hush!! But I admit, I tried the CCBs twice too, and then relegated them to the bottom of my traincase for a good 4 mos, before I got curious and used them over my Paint, then suddenly, VIOLA! PERFECTION!
I seriously don't want to use any other base! :icon_love:icon_love:icon_love

i might look into get one ccb , which one do you reccomend leila? which one do you use the most?

Originally Posted by Marisol Hush = awesomeness... lol Oh thanks! Make me feel even worse LOL
Originally Posted by MACGoddess lol I am kicking youfor swapping away Hush!! But I admit, I tried the CCBs twice too, and then relegated them to the bottom of my traincase for a good 4 mos, before I got curious and used them over my Paint, then suddenly, VIOLA! PERFECTION!
I seriously don't want to use any other base! :icon_love:icon_love:icon_love

I want, i want, i want!
Originally Posted by jennycateyez i might look into get one ccb , which one do you reccomend leila? which one do you use the most? well for a generic base, Hush, Fawntastic, Shell, or Tint... Whichever goes with your skintone better...

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