So see there is this piece of string that walks into a bar &.... forums

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Jan 29, 2008
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Joke Instructions: This is a much better joke if you follow these instructions. The joke must be read out loud. Whenever you encounter a bold word read it louder. When you read a word in light green please attempt your lame Spanish accent. Note; failure to follow these instructions will result in a poor joke experience and I cannot be blamed.


A string walks into a bar.

He asks for a shot of tequila. The bartender replys "Sorry we don't serve strings". So the string leaves.

The next day, the same string walks back into the bar. He asks for a shot of tequila. The bartender replys "Sorry we do not serve strings, please go away."

The following day the string stands outside the bar debating about whether to go in or not. He ties himself in a knot and frays the bottom of the string.

So the string goes in and asks for a shot of tequila. The bartender replys "Hey aren't you that string that's been coming in here all the time."

They string replys "No I'm a frayed knot".
