Spot Concealing: Before or After Foundation? forums

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Jun 16, 2005
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Spot concealing never works for me before foundation.. either it gets wiped away, or the foundation ontop of it just makes the spot being concealed even more obvious.. so i have to do it after

Originally Posted by Charmaine Hm...I think it's the opposite for me. If I use concealer after I've applied foundation, it really stands out so I do it before foundation. Oh, and I wonder if it makes a difference that I use a powder foundation? thats really interesting.. cause when I use powder, thats when it's obvious.. but with liquids i can conceal before
I have always spot concealed after foundation. I find that when i didnt, foundation application ruined the concealer or wiped it away. I dont use a liquid or cream foundation anymore.. i use studio fix by MAC and conceal BEFORE that cuz its a powder..

I do it after... and I use the foundation to conceal - so there's no chance of mis-match!

I always conceal after foundation. I put foundation all over and then if I need a little extra coverage that's when I bust out the concealer. You are right, concealer first gets wiped away! I use DiorSkin Foundation and Clinique Advanced Concealer. I never use powder.

Originally Posted by mAra Spot concealing never works for me before foundation.. either it gets wiped away, or the foundation ontop of it just makes the spot being concealed even more obvious.. so i have to do it after You know, a lot of the time I find that foundation covers the spot enough for me. If I do need concealer I don't need to use as much if I put it on after foundation.
As we've heard or read they say that the concealer should be applied first followed by foundation. That's what I've been doing for years and like you say it's either obvious or gets wiped out. I think it depends on the type of foundation or concealer used plus the color difference between the two. I had a makeup artist do a makeover for me twice in the past two months and she first used Studio Fix NC30 on my face then applied Select Moisture cover in NW25 below my eyes and it turned out pretty good. The second time I had a makeover (diff MUA) she used Studio Tech NC27 first followed by Select Moisture Cover in NW25 then lightly brushed a little Blot Powder in Medium and it also turned out pretty too. Since then, I've been using foundation first then concealer and have not seen any problelms by it.

Maybe our website MUAS could share us some suggestions on this matter.

I don't know why but I apply my concealor before my foundation, my foundation conceals great anyways but I've just always applied concealor before.
Originally Posted by Mac@40 As we've heard or read they say that the concealer should be applied first followed by foundation. That's what I've been doing for years and like you say it's either obvious or gets wiped out. I think it depends on the type of foundation or concealer used plus the color difference between the two. I had a makeup artist do a makeover for me twice in the past two months and she first used Studio Fix NC30 on my face then applied Select Moisture cover in NW25 below my eyes and it turned out pretty good. The second time I had a makeover (diff MUA) she used Studio Tech NC27 first followed by Select Moisture Cover in NW25 then lightly brushed a little Blot Powder in Medium and it also turned out pretty too. Since then, I've been using foundation first then concealer and have not seen any problelms by it.Maybe our website MUAS could share us some suggestions on this matter.

i use aLOt of different foundations, but i only have this dispute when i use studio fix nc35 and select cover-up nw25.. but easily resolved if applied after =)
i shouldve narrowed my original post down to that foundation n concealer hehe

Miss spotty here usually applies it before, and again after if i've a volcano on my face! I still havent found a concealer that i LOVE though. I use BB's Creamy Concealer for my under eye circles but i dont want to use it for both blemishes & under my eyes. Any rec's girls?

Ive always thought it better to cover dark circles and spots after applying foundation. I use a small brush but make sure the concelor you are using isn't higlighting your spot as can easily happen.

If it's a big spot and you have an emergency try putting some eye drops on the spot, it will bring the redness and swelling down temporary.

Good Luck.

Originally Posted by Trisha I use Stila Cover Up Stick or the Chantecaille fndt stick.
BB blemish concealer is meant to be nice x

I used the BB Blemish Cover Stick for a while, but now i got MAC Studio Concealer and I like it much better.I have a yellowish tone in the BB, and a shade similar to my skintone in the MAC one, so I guess that´s why the MAC doesn´t show up as lighter spots on my skin (I use it over my liquid foundation)

also, the BB one seems to wear off easier, it has a light and creamy texture whereas the MAC one is more solid (did I explain that right? *lol*)

just wanted to throw that in

Originally Posted by Pauline Ive always thought it better to cover dark circles and spots after applying foundation. I use a small brush but make sure the concelor you are using isn't higlighting your spot as can easily happen.If it's a big spot and you have an emergency try putting some eye drops on the spot, it will bring the redness and swelling down temporary.

Good Luck.

ohh another trick for a pesky blemish,hydrocordozone cream to bring it down!

I always put concealor on afterwards, partly because the foundation tends to wipe it away, and partly because I use a medium-coverage foundation that will occasionally cover light blemishes so I know not to waste concealor on those!

If I'm wearing a liquid foundation or tinted moisturizer, I apply concealor afterwards and then apply powder. If I'm wearing a powder foundation (which I do most of the time), I apply concealor beforehand. Works for me!

You should really use concealer after you apply foundation. This way you can tell what the foundation covers and if any more coverage is needed. If you are using a powder foundation, I always dab some concealer on my middle finger and lightly pat it on top of whatever needs to be covered, but then of course you would need to set with more powder.

Yep I conceal after foundation. I use extra foundation to conceal blemishes/spots on my face...sometimes adding a tiny bit of concealer if it needs to be lightened up a bit in tone. Under my eyes I just use concealer. If I use straight concealer on my blemishes, they are too light and stand out. But under my eyes, I seem to need that lightness in tone. But I'm careful not to veer over into reverse-raccoon eyes! Oh, sometimes under my eyes I use a yellow concealer that neutralizes dark circles (bluish tones). Even when I pat it over my foundation, it doesn't show up yellow, it just looks nice and smooth and bright.


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