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Originally Posted by nelliebelle1197 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I just signed up for one month

Anyone else?
I'm holding off, as I recently got their sampler set, which contains a ton of product.  I like TANF and will be interested in seeing what you get.  The only thing I haven't really liked is their eye primer, which creased terribly.

WoW!  That is one HELL-O of a sampler ya got'cherself there!  Nifty!

Sure, I'm game!  I'll try one month with ya!  =)  I paid for November on Natural Beauty Box a while ago, so that's coming, but I don't want to order December at this time.  Maybe after November comes, I'll wanna.  (I let hubby know I decided against asking for 6 months of that one for Christmas - asking Santa for Glossybox instead.)  It'll be nice to compare the two!

I also cancelled my sub to Starbox this month.  I LOVE their quality, but I have so much makeup that I'd rather get a few makeup samples along with other stuff than an all-full-size-makeup sub right now.  (They sell the boxes afterward for $25.  If I find myself coveting more than every-other-month, I'll subscribe again.)

It doesn't look like ANF will be only makeup - they say "products" and they do make lots of other things.  I like at least one color sample each month, but like trying the other stuff, too. 

This looks exciting!

Originally Posted by Lulubelle107 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm holding off, as I recently got their sampler set, which contains a ton of product.  I like TANF and will be interested in seeing what you get.  The only thing I haven't really liked is their eye primer, which creased terribly.

Wow, quite the lot. Which sample set did you get? I see alot of different ones on their site!

Do you know when ANF's box will go out? I just signed up for the year- impulsively...

I was wondering that, too.  Maybe they just go out at the time of month you order?  That would be nice, if you could kind of control it that way.  I'd be quite happy to get one of my boxes very early in the month!

I have been having some very confusing back and forth with the owner- I wanted to sign up for only a month but apparently only yearly?? I am now very confused and concerned- will let you know.

Originally Posted by nelliebelle1197 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have been having some very confusing back and forth with the owner- I wanted to sign up for only a month but apparently only yearly?? I am now very confused and concerned- will let you know.
Yeah - it has the option of monthly, quarterly, yearly subscription plan, or ONE TIME subscription gift.  I gave myself a ONE TIME subscription gift of "1 month".  So how can she say only yearly?  Please keep us updated - I don't want to sub!  (At least not yet.)

The owner just told me she made a mistake with my email- someone else was trying to sign up for yearly and couldn't!

And yes, she confirmed the box will have a variety of items.

She is apparently scrambling to answer outstanding emails because of the hurricane.

Oh!  Good.  Yay.  =)  Do you know when they ship?  Is it depending on when you sign up, or a certain day of the month?

Crystal just told me that the first box will arrive in time for Christmas in December.

I actually emailed, too - hate to add to all she had to answer, but if this wasn't expected until late December, I wanted to just wait a month or so to try the service.  If I'm paying now, I want it available for gift bags (if I can bear to part with anything!).  She replied that they're shipping early December and she would expect people to get them around the 12th-15th.  Usually her shipments get to me fast, so shipping early month is good for me.  If the mail's late, it's late, but if it ships early month there's high probability it'll be here.

Looking forward!

Originally Posted by BeautyGal /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Wow, quite the lot. Which sample set did you get? I see alot of different ones on their site!
It's the The All Natural Face Get Started Green Sample Set. It was $23, and I've got more details/pictures at my blog (August 20th).

I just tried to access their website and it wouldn't load, wonder if the hurricane is already affecting them?

Has anyone received a box yet? I signed up as a "gift" for myself for a year and I have yet to receive one. However, if you go on their Facebook page, people got boxes in late November. I paid on Oct 28th.

I saw that and asked. She answered that that was the November box. (I hadn't known there was a November box. *shrug*)

I was charged when I ordered on 10/28.  On 11/30, someone on FB said they received their box.  I commented, asking if that were the Dec box, and she responded that it was the November box, and the December one should be leaving "in a couple of days".  *Shrug*  That should mean it'll arrive soon?  She responded very quickly on her FB - and to her email, too, when I contacted that way, so she seems to be on the ball.

You are much sweeter and kinder than I, Mellee!


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