The economy forums

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Jan 25, 2007
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Is the economy affecting you? If so how? Are you spending less?

I know I've cut back spending. My newest addition to cutting back is no eating out ever. No fast food no nothing. Ever.

Not yet and kind of... Income is still good though I've warned the kids and wife that since there's a stock price component that we may see a substantial cut over 2008... Not that we will be broke because 2008 was a hugh year.. So we will see.. Having to fork out and extra $35,000 a year for 2 kids in college can drain ones resources quickly..

we did directly get affected.. it kind of sucks, since i'm addicted to shopping, lol, and since we are planning our wedding for July..

My fiancee paints many of the brand new houses around town.. but since nobody's buying anything right now, there are no houses being built, even the in progress ones have stopped.. so there isn't work for him right now..

Hopefully lingerie sales will continue to increase though.. it's what we are relying on right now..

Economy didnt affect us per say...more like having another baby did though. We are "ok" but not as comfortable. We did lose alot of our 401K though...

Hell yeah this stupid economy is affecting me!! I hate it! I lost my job (ok so I quit and haven't been able to get another) so of course I can't just go out and spend spend spend like I want to.

Working for companies directly with customers has affected us but not dramatically. Enough to hurt every once in awhile as we both in car related areas (insurance and body shop).

All we did was eat out less and cut back on minor things like un-needed trips to the store and such.

I can't say that I have honestly noticed. I know sometimes we cut back, but having just spent hundreds on an 80th, I think we are ok lol. I know that I do try to be careful and my mum often starts going off her head at me for having a few extra strawberries than what I am generally 'allowd'. I guess it is affecting us more than I realize.

Originally Posted by bCreative /img/forum/go_quote.gif Hell yeah this stupid economy is affecting me!! I hate it! I lost my job (ok so I quit and haven't been able to get another) so of course I can't just go out and spend spend spend like I want to. I am in the same boat as you are except I got laid off cuz of downsizing. It's not a good time to quit these days.
I am pissed off about it especially at the President. It's funny how there's a recession everytime there is a Bush in the white office. There was a recession when Bush senior was there and now they're tlaking about Jeb Bush wanting to run for President.


It sure has. It meant having my hours at work got cut, also work has been really slowwww. With hoursa being cut, I'm losing out nearly $200 a week out of my wages. Beauty is a luxury for people, not a necessity, so that's generally one of the first things people knock off their list of priorities when things like this happen.

I have been spending less but tbh that's just as a precaution because I can be a bit of a worrier.

Usually at the beggining of the year I would have money from my birthday and christmas and I'd spend that but this year I haven't spent it, I'm just gunna keep it and get stuff as I need it.

Apart from that it hasn't really hit us yet.

i've sooo noticed! i have a student loan of about £3000 that i get over the year, about a grand every four months or so and i've had to stretch it so thin this year.

i've had to cut back on going out a lot because bars are getting more expensive, instead we go and sit in the pub. i've stopped shopping so often and save up to treat myself more.

i've always been careful with money though so it's not been hard for me to hold back.

i had to declare bankruptcy. i am a single 59 yr old who holds 2 jobs to keep my house, and car. i work 52 hrs a week. sometimes i don't have food money. i have to feed 4 dogs and 2 cats. they eat before me. where i work we are all in trouble financially. god bless my friends. we share what we have left over. i feel guilty when i have to buy shampoo!!
I sure felt it. I am a married mother of three and full time student. I was working 15 hours a week at Linens and Things. In August my husband lost his job and didn't find another one till end of October. My employer went out of business in December. We are cutting back everywhere we can.

I have been making an effort to be thrifty some months before the recession because I was spending too much money each month. So now that there's actually a recession going on, I don't have as many problems holding back on purchases as I used to in the past. I try to save as much as I can, even on food, and keep a close eye on my finances and keep a budget and expenditure note book. I'm hoping to land a suitable job though (where my co workers are friendly and work is in a slower paced work environment) , the last one I had, I worked on it for 3 days because the work load was so heavy and too much for me to handle...


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