The Look Bag November Bag forums

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Lacquer Lackey
Jul 8, 2009
Reaction score
California, USA
I know last month was a bit bumpy for some subscribers but I know quite a few of you are still subbed to it. So do we have any hints or previews of this month so far?

no hints or anything so far :/ but I reallllyyy want to know whats going to be in it!!!!

Likewise... I'm on the fence about whether to cancel my subscription or keep it up so I'm hoping someone will spill the beans so I'd be able to make a more informed decision. ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I'm sticking with it to see how they rectify last months major mishaps. Sending out so many expired and discontinued items really left me feeling wronged. I'm surprised they haven't even began to mention anything about this month

they did post this:


Taken from The Look Bag's fb

Originally Posted by bluelion /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That reminds me of the

Too Faced liquid glitter liners.

Yaaay! This looks cool. If the item is still in Sephora, I'm all down for it.
ah ha! you're probably right. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> If that's the case, even though I'd be happy to get them, I'll probably be canceling at the end of the month.

i personally not one for glittery eyeliner and i would honestly cancel right now but i feel like i have to wait to get the replacement from last month! so one more month it is.  and if anyone wants an extra eyeliner i'll be happy to trade :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Originally Posted by amidea /img/forum/go_quote.gif

i personally not one for glittery eyeliner and i would honestly cancel right now but i feel like i have to wait to get the replacement from last month! so one more month it is.  and if anyone wants an extra eyeliner i'll be happy to trade :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I feel the same way. I'm only staying to get my replacement. I'm going to cancel even if it's awesome. I just joined starlooks to replace this sub. Their Dec bag is supposed to have a $99 eyeshadow palette!

Ohh hell I canceled late last night but it said it could take up to five days...I really really want that silver liner...ugg what an idiot I am. When do they bill? I might get lucky and get the bag this month. Last month was crazy but now I'm wishing I didn't cancel till I got my shipping.

Fb -

Attention Look Bag Members: Several of the products for our November Bag were held up on the east coast last week, due to the terrible storm. We wanted to make sure we had all of the products in hand before billing this month, and now that we have the items, billing and shipping will resume to normal this week. Please allow us this week to catch everyone up and get everything sorted out. If you have any questions, please feel free to Direct Facebook message me here, or email our CS department at [email protected]

Oooh I'm excited. I'm also hoping that our replacement from last month is in addition to what we get in the bags, in other words, new subscribers will have one less product than the subscribers from October. IMO it wouldn't be a "replacement" if everyone got one. I'm definitely excited for that liner though.....!keyword=too%20faced%20glitter%20liner
Agreed. The replacement should be exclusive to those who got the expired items last month

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