The Miracles Of Homemade Face Masks forums

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Nov 13, 2012
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      Do store bought skin treatments not work for you? Ever tried a product and thought you liked it, only to have it dry out your skin or make you break out a few days later? There are so many simple home remedies and face masks that you can make yourself, right at home. I bet you even have some of the ingredients in your kitchen right now. Here are a couple of my personal favorites that I'm sure you'll love.

  • DIY Chocolate Mask

As women we all love chocolate, right? Some of us may think of chocolate as our weakness and enemy, but what if I told you there was a way that it could help your skin? Indulge without the calories! Chocolate is chock-full of antioxidants and helps fight free radicals, which will leave you with beautiful glowing skin. 

       What You'll Need

  1. One desert spoon (or one tablespoon) of cocoa powder. I like to use Hershey's Cocoa Powder. 
  2. One desert spoon (or a tablespoon) or honey. I prefer to use organic honey. The honey is high in antioxidant and helps fade scars, can treat acne, and nourishes and hydrates, as well as repairs your skin. 
  3. One desert spoon (or table spoon) of natural yogurt. The yogurt will help brighten and hydrate the skin, treat blemishes, and tighten pores, and a long list of other benefits! 
  4. As an optional ingredient you can add one desert spoon (or a tablespoon) of brown sugar. I use this to help exfoliate my skin a little. 
  5. As another optional ingredient I add a teaspoon of milk for added hydration.

You're going to add these products into a bowl and mix, mix, mix! When the products are well mixed and creamy in texture add a generous layer all over the face, avoiding the eyes and lips. Let the mask sit for about 30 minutes. As you rinse it off you'll feel it exfoliating your skin. Your skin will have a beautiful glow and feel refreshed, firmer, and tighter. Don't forget to tone and moisturize after to lock in the hydration from the mask.

  •  DIY Rice Flour Mask

This mask does amazing wonders for the skin, especially for blemish prone skin, dry skin, oily skin, and acne scars. It is highly affordable and only requires two ingredients! 

         What You'll Need

  1. Two teaspoons of rice floor. This is the magic ingredient in this mask! 
  2. Equal parts (two teaspoons) of honey. Again, I prefer to use organic honey.
  3. To even up the consistency you can add another spoonful (one teaspoon) of honey. (I prefer to use a (one) teaspoon of organic milk for extra hydration, but you can also use a teaspoon of pure green tea for added antioxidants). 

Again, you're going to want to mix, mix, mix! Once the mask is well mixed you can apply it to your face! Let the mask sit on your face for about 20-30 minutes. When your time is up dampen your face and massage for about 30 seconds. After that you can rinse it off. You should notice that your skin is brighter and softer. This mask is amazing! 

I hope that everyone gets as much benefit from these DIY masks as I do. Enjoy and thank you for reading! 

Can't wait to try these out! Face masks are my absolute favorite thing and I am so excited! Where do I buy rice flour? Do you have any other "recipes"?

Originally Posted by heartsandwhimsy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Can't wait to try these out! Face masks are my absolute favorite thing and I am so excited! Where do I buy rice flour? Do you have any other "recipes"?
I bought mine at Walmart. I'd imagine any organic food store would have it as well, and so would any imported food store (or the imported food section in your local food store/super market. I know a few other face mask recipes and I also know some good hair treatment recipes that I could write an article about or you could message me for the recipes if you want. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

I can see that you have been very active in creating recipes for skin care. I am just wondering whether these are more affordable than the ready-made ones. I would like to keep track of the money I spend on my skin care. As of now, I am still canvassing what are the best ways to do it. 


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