Thin skin, cuts and scars forums

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May 2, 2006
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This is sort of a rant and a sad fact. My skin is pretty thin, especially on my arms and hands, you really have no problem seeing all my veins through it. It seems lately i cut myself a lot more than usual, and even though it looks tiny and it's really not a big deal, i always feel obliged to disinfect the cut and apply a bandaid, or it gets painful and i just want to scratch it.

I also notice when the cut is healed (on the surface anyway) it leaves a red mark on my skin, and it really takes time to fade.

Anyone else noticed that ?

yeah i have the same thing.. you can see veins really easy through the skin on my hands. my cat is always scratching me and stuff and that always leaves red marks that fade to dark yellowy marks after about a month and then eventually fade to nothing after two or three months.

Same here, it takes 3-6 months for redness left from a cut to fade on my skin.

Yup yup. Same thing with me.

At least yr marks are red... Mine turn black, and it's very annoying/embarrassing. And the time taken to fade is ridiculous...

i scar really easly.

which isnt good since im really accident prone.

my cuts stay red for awhile then they end up turning white and leave a scar. grrrrrr.

I do have thin skin (as in, can see all the veins through it..) but I don't scar TOO easily, I don't think? just about the regular amount of time?

I know I have highly sensitive skin and thinning because I use steroids cream for my eczema. I don't even like being lightly poked because it becomes painful... imagine bumping into a corner table really hard - it's the same feeling. And I scar easily too.

I scar easily too. My surgery scars are still quite prominent especially my wrist.

I also have thin skin, I can see my veins too.

Do we need to take any medicine or something?

I don't think so, it's not liek we can change much about it. I don't like the fact i cannot scratch my skin without getting a large red mark, and sometimes i don't even notice i cut myself until i bleed on something


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