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Whatever works. I want be trying it. Next thing you know they will be sanding down their noses and rescupting their chins. hehe.

Hi all,
Check out page 34 in Allure Magazine's January 2007 issue. I found the following bit piece by Meirav Devash




Do-it-yourselfers love hardware stores for their

drywall accessories and caulk guns. Now some

women are snapping up sandpaper for their own

version of dermabrasion--and boasting about it on

Internet bulletin boards.

Like traditional dermabrasion with a high-speed

rotary wheel or brush, sandpaper removes the

surface layer of the skin, explains New York

City dermatologist Doris J. Day. "The problem is

that it's simply not safe," she says. "The sandpaper

could be teeming with bacteria."

Agressive scraping and tiny nicks to the skin

could lead to infection and scarring. Whether for

home or personal renovation, some tasks are best

left to the professionals. --Meirav Devash

End Quote

Now I can understand that desparate times calls for desparate measures, but this is just going too far.

Have any of you heard about this or know anyone who does this so-called "dermabrasion" method at home? What are your thoughts?

Cool I"m gonna try this!!! :add_wegbrech:
i know there is sandpaper thats almost as smooth as regular paper..but i still won't use it on my face. It wasnt meant to be used on your was meant for wood. I don't know for those ppl who use it....i may not have perfect skin but it sure aint wood!

OMG,this is the first time I hear about it!!

I can't believe how far some ppl would go for beauty!!!

Ugh! Years ago (in my much younger days) I worked in a hardware store. Have you seen the icky stuff that floats around EVERYWHERE and settles on the products in a hardware store?

Even if the sandpaper was of the finest grade and wasn't so rough to use on my skin I wouldn't consider using it knowing what's in those stores and what was possibly on the hands of all the people that have handled the sandpaper.

What a gross thought. ugh

Major scarring for life!! Once you scrape your skin with sandpaper, it will bleed and leave dark spots on your face. I would never try it. I think that it would not go away.

Omg a belt sander! WTF?! OMG! That's ridiculous! I can't even fathom that. . . That would be HORRIBLE for your face. You can't control how fast they're spinning and I can't imagine that it's good for you.

You could be seriously injured! I've used one before! (not on my face obviously) but still! OMG! O_O


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