TLC's Strange Addiction forums

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Dec 13, 2011
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Saw a commercial for TLC's Strange addiction and it talked about a girl who drank nail polish. You can find the episode on youtube. Here is what I found out about her.

Bertha, 23, has been drinking about five bottles of nail polish every day for the past five years.

She says she can't get through the day without her nail polish fix.

Unnerving footage in a trailer for the new series (below) shows her placing a nail polish brush on her tongue and licking it clean.

Though one might imagine all nail polish tastes the same, Bertha reveals that the colour blue is her favourite.

Any shade with glitter comes a close second.

Bertha claims she needs nail polish to get through the day, but her family is concerned about the possible permanent damage she is doing to her health.


Just thought I would share.

Oh. My. Goodness.

I just watched it. I probably shouldn't have...but I just couldn't stop watching... o_O

...and she uses nail polish remover on her teeth and lips to get rid of the polish stains o_O

It may have also have been the cause of her miscarriage.  

It makes me cringe and throw up a little. 

Ok, seriously, think I'm gonna hurl (and NO, I won't watch the videos). Just the taste of a flake of nail polish makes me wanna vomit. I can NOT imagine drinking it. 

Somehow, I managed to make it all the way through, but not without my gag reflex kickin' in pretty hardcore.

Originally Posted by calexxia /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ok, seriously, think I'm gonna hurl (and NO, I won't watch the videos). Just the taste of a flake of nail polish makes me wanna vomit. I can NOT imagine drinking it. 

Did anybody happen to catch the episode where she eats her husbands ashes??? OMG!!!! Normally I can sit and watch an entire episode but this one got to me. I could not finish watching it, it made me sick. I'm 8 months pregnant and was trying to eat dinner. That's not an addiction, it's a psychological issue. Seriously.

yes I did! It was like watching a train wreck. It was so bad but you couldnt look away b/c you were left in such disbelief!

Originally Posted by Isabelsjewely /img/forum/go_quote.gif

yes I did! It was like watching a train wreck. It was so bad but you couldnt look away b/c you were left in such disbelief!

I completely agree! Poor lady.

Originally Posted by msleesh /img/forum/go_quote.gif

... That's not an addiction, it's a psychological issue. Seriously.

 Wow.  How is it that she's not dead yet?  Nail polish and nail polish remover (OMG)...  Isnt there serious side effects?? 

Not even touching the ashes issue...

Originally Posted by DreamWarrior /img/forum/go_quote.gif

 Wow.  How is it that she's not dead yet?  Nail polish and nail polish remover (OMG)...  Isnt there serious side effects?? 

Not even touching the ashes issue...
Lol, I completely understand!

I don't understand how eating all this weird stuff like laundry detergent, or nail polish, etc doesn't kill you...?

I randomly came across this new show recently, it was a trailer for an episode where the girl was addicted to drinking gasoline.

Ugh.... these people need some serious help and medical intervention, not to be exploited on television for entertainment.


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