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Jun 13, 2004
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Take this month's Top 5 Poll




Photo: Jeff Murray, ELLE April 2005



Great! Never had a top 5 mascara OR Gloss !!! LOL Well actually I just got the Too Faced lip injection... so I guess I got something Similar to a top 5! LOL
Oooh I've got 3 too!

*Ahem* Here goes:

Covergirl Lipslicks

Revlon Super Lustrous

Ulta Super Shiny

I've only owned the Oh Baby and didn't like it - but I don't like light lip glosses too much either.

Here's my favorites:

YLBB Gloss: Chanel Glossimer in Unity. Perfection in color, texture and shine. Gorgeous!!!

Sheer Gloss: YSL lip balm - mango scent, lovely tacky texture, very conditioning

Spectacular Sparkle Gloss: YSL Lisse Holiday 2004 gloss. Limited edition - similar to Chanel Pin-Up, but with more sparkle and less pale. Gorgeous golden shimmer with a pink undertone.

i have a juicy tube, but it's in simmer. i don't like the color at all, but i guess the actual gloss itself is okay.

mac lipglasses are very small and i don't think they're all that.

i'm sick of those lip plumpers! i had too faced's (how do you pronounce that? LOL) and it didn't work.

i'll have to look into victoria's secret makeup. i don't like those stores that come out with their own makeup line, like h&m, hot topic, etc. somehow, they all dissapoint me. maybe this one won't.

I'm not a big fan of MAC lip glass either...too sticky for me. Also the glittery ones are really gritty! Never tried Lancome Juicy Tubes, but I love L'oreal Color Juice which I think is similar. It's also sticky, but doesn't feel as goopy as lip glass. I really like Clinique Glosswears and Bourjois Effet 3D. I think they both have a great consistency and lots of colors to choose from.

i actually went to go put my juicy tube on after i posted that and it actually looks nice. i think i'll be wearing this a lot from now on. it's sticky, but when i took a sip of my drink just now, it didn't come off. i think this is the good stickiness, if that makes sense.

one of the things i love about makeup is that you can hate something at first, but then learn to love it and the way it looks later on after you become more familiar about certain makeup techniques or just in general.

I don't like Lipglasses either... they look good on - but I can't stand sticky goopy 'fly paper' gloss... in any brand. I guess b/c I have long hair & bad experiences w/ hair stuck to my lips LOL
But I find a lot of tube glosses are like that... I still need to get to Sephora & check out Stila's lip polish like Trisha told me to... she said they look like gloss, but feel like lipstick (which is what I like)
For some reason, I can't get on the Juicy Tube bandwagon. Didn't really like them at all. I love MAC's lipglasses though and am becoming a huge fan of Stila Lip Glazes.

I like MAC's Oh Baby, but I wouldn't put it in my top 5. I also like Chanel's Glossimer in Pin-Up.

My top five would be:

1. GA Lip Shimmer #1

2. Chanel Glossimer in Pin-Up

3. MAC Precocious l/g

4. MAC Sinnamon Lustreglass

5. Lancome Star Gloss in Corail

I <3 peachy colors...

Ok i've tried them all except the Victoria's Secret Gloss. I'm still on a search to find non sticky lipglosses. I cant' the stickiness of any of them! So far Revlons Glosslights for lips work the best for me.

i've been wanting to get a lip glaze, but i've been told not to waste my money. i even see how little they give you for the price and it's a turn off, so i never buy it. if i do get one, which one should i go for? i have warm undertones, if that helps. thanks

My faves are:

1. Stila Lipglaze - Grape

2. Stila lipglaze - Black Cherry

3. NARS lip laquer - Sweet Charity

4. Stila lipglaze - Cranberry

5. Lancome Juicy Tubes - Cerise

I did jump aboard the juicy tubes bandwagon, but I got off quite quickly because I didn't find the colours where pigmented enough for me. Cerise Juicy tube is one of the only MU products I've ever repurchased though.


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