Quote: Originally Posted by chrysalis101 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
@Babs28 Sorry if I got you into something you weren't prepared for.
Quote: Originally Posted by chrysalis101 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If I could weigh in, I think there's a 4th option. You could find out how much it would cost to make copies of the journal at the end. Whoever wants a copied version would send you the money for a copy. It still wouldn't be the original, and it would be more work on your part. But then everyone who wants something of the journal can have it. And the people at the front of the line (second, third person) would have a chance to read what everyone put.
@chrysalis101 , No reason to be sorry. I think it's a great idea and I would be happy to coordinate that as well.
The journal lays flat when opened, so there is no issue with it being copied while keeping the journal intact so it can be used for a second round (a message is going out to participants only about that shortly) but it will need to go to Staples or a place that has a copy center with a good copier, which as peritdotcricket pointed out, can be expensive, especially when copying in color. We have a total of 11 members participating and each member gets 4 pages to write so that's 44 pages - more if people go over.
I just went online to staples and created a mock order of what we would need: 46 color pages, front and back, bound with a card stock cover with words and a black card stock back. The cost is $28.00 with blank pages. I don't know if the cost would go up if there are pictures on the pages. If we choose not to do the binding and add a cover and back it's only a savings of $1.50. The cost I quoted does NOT include the time and cost of the employee copying each page individually by hand. I would have to call to get that price and ask about the pictures on the pages. Whatever that cost is, we would need to divide it by the number of people ordering a copy of the journal.