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Oct 22, 2003
Reaction score
Huntington Beach, CA

Hey Everyone, A few days ago I was sitting in the parking lot of Crystal Court at South Coast Plaza on the CELL phone with my mom, when a new Range Rover pulled up with a woman in it just one car away from mine in front. When the Rover passenger door opened up, Kobe Bryant stepped out and shut the door. The woman was his wife with the baby in the back seat. He went over to his 1994 Silver Mecedes V12 and sat down. With his feet still sticking out, I walked up to his car with no one else around and said "Hey Kobe, excellent game yesterday, you buried Houston (when they eliminated the Rockets)" he said THANKS and closed the door and opened the window.

Made my day!

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) TRUE STORY from TONY:
Hey Everyone, A few days ago I was sitting in the parking lot of Crystal Court at South Coast Plaza on the CELL phone with my mom, when a new Range Rover pulled up with a woman in it just one car away from mine in front. When the Rover passenger door opened up, Kobe Bryant stepped out and shut the door. The woman was his wife with the baby in the back seat. He went over to his 1994 Silver Mecedes V12 and sat down. With his feet still sticking out, I walked up to his car with no one else around and said "Hey Kobe, excellent game yesterday, you buried Houston (when they eliminated the Rockets)" he said THANKS and closed the door and opened the window.

Made my day!

You mean he closed the door in your face and politely told you to go away? LOL hahahahaTony ---> <--- Kobe

Originally Posted by Californian
You mean he closed the door in your face and politely told you to go away? LOL hahahahaTony --->

Nooop, he was all smiles and Nyah!
LMAO Tony!! its not with you. I have a problem with a man who has a beautiful supportive wife and a beautiful healthy baby and more money than I dont know what ...YET has the need to get some on the side. I just dont understand.

Thats my venting for the day....thanks again Tony LOL

Now I'm gonna go celebrate CINCO de Mayo and have a shot of tequila!

Originally Posted by shoediva

LMAO Tony!! its not with you. I have a problem with a man who has a beautiful supportive wife and a beautiful healthy baby and more money than I dont know what ...YET has the need to get some on the side. I just dont understand.

Thats my venting for the day....thanks again Tony LOL

Now I'm gonna go celebrate CINCO de Mayo and have a shot of tequila!

Yep, your RIGHT! Agreed. But what about the girl who had sex with other men just hours before?
I have a name for her but I'll keep this clean.....

--can you tell I'm having a hormonal imbalance today??

Originally Posted by shoediva

I have a name for her but I'll keep this clean.....
--can you tell I'm having a hormonal imbalance today??

Naww, im only foolin'
The woman in question's sexual history is completely irrelevent to the fact that he raped her and physically abused her in that room, at that time, on that day. I'm sure he'll get off with a slap on the hand. She came out of the room very upset and cut up according to witnesses, but all anyone can come back with is, "she was a ****."

Anyone can be raped, **** or not. If this "****" were your sister or your mother, you also might have a different opinion of who the victim truly is. Clearly Kobe did a "no no."

I am tired of overpaid sports players and the like escaping the recercussions of their actions as if they are omniscient super-beings. Money isn't the only thing that talks!

By the way, I know that you posted this for controversy, but my mind is not changing. Facts are facts, a spade is a spade, a Kobe is a Kobe.

WOW, you speak as if you were there and you know exactly what happend. You have to admit that none of us know what exactly happend. None will ever know. Only 2 people know

If you come up to someone's dark hotel room after gallyrampin around sexually/flirtatiously (this was seen), it can be taken as implied that something sexual may happen. My opinion is that I doubt she went there to play cards and I doubt Kobe wanted to play Gin. I am not defending action, just stating

I think that someones credibility has alot to do with a "story" told, don't you? I sure do.

Originally Posted by Californian

The woman in question's sexual history is completely irrelevent to the fact that he raped her and physically abused her in that room, at that time, on that day. I'm sure he'll get off with a slap on the hand. She came out of the room very upset and cut up according to witnesses, but all anyone can come back with is, "she was a ****."
Anyone can be raped, **** or not. If this "****" were your sister or your mother, you also might have a different opinion of who the victim truly is. Clearly Kobe did a "no no."

I am tired of overpaid sports players and the like escaping the recercussions of their actions as if they are omniscient super-beings. Money isn't the only thing that talks!

By the way, I know that you posted this for controversy, but my mind is not changing. Facts are facts, a spade is a spade, a Kobe is a Kobe.

Regardless if he truly raped her or not - he still admitted to having a extra marital encounter-- which in my book makes him a LOSER!! You will need a bit more than a $4 million purple diamond ring to get me to get you off the hook for that one. Once the trust is gone, its gone forever!

Well let's consider some things:

1. "The 19-year-old woman told cops she and Bryant kissed. But when she tried to leave, Bryant bent her over a chair and raped her, Winters said.

The accuser's blood was found on Bryant's clothes, Winters said."

Now this could either be a lie by the accuser, or some pretty ROUGH sex, or rape. Who knows? How much blood was there? Sometimes consentual sex can cause a tearing, but a lot of blood? That sounds like a rape. I would need to know how much blood there was on his clothes and hers. The public is not allowed this detail (good thing because I change the chanel when this lame story comes on in favor of real news). Also the rape kit (exam) done on her is not completely accessible to us and is somewhat inconclusive.

2. The accuser's sexually history is a promiscuous one. To me, this means that she increased her chances of being put in a situation like this, but it is irrelevant in considering Kobe's treatment of her. Whether she had 1 partner or 16,000, the only sex that's ok is consensual. Saying that someone who is promiscuous is by association, a liar, is illogical. If she is promiscuous is it ok to rape her? Is she less than human? Does she have any rights as a human being EVEN if she is "loose?"

Example: If you steal from me because I steal from others, does that excuse what you have done? If my moral character is in question, is it ok to committ illegal acts against me or do you have a particular set of values for others but not for yourself?

Furthermore, if they see it relevant to dig into her past sexual escapades and history, I vote that they delve into his as well. Fair is fair.

3. "The 19-year-old woman refused to comment to reporters after the questioning by Bryant's lawyers. They say injuries she says she got from Bryant, 25, may have been caused during sex with other men. The woman's lawyer calls the allegation "patently false."

Did he RAPE her? That is the question that I do not know and that is what you are right about. I don't know. Only they do. Was she bruised, scratched, injured in some fashion? My intuition tells me that this was just more than rough sex based on the witnesses who saw and spoke to her afterward and based on evidense of bruises, blood and tearing.

Also, if the sex was consensual initially but then turned to rape, it is still wrong. If her intentions were to bed down Kobe, I don't give a rat's 'bar mitzvah' as long as people understand that her intention was not rape. If her intention was to cry "rape" falsely then she needs serious help.

I don't care if Kobe can sink a basket from here to Uganda or if he can pee 20 feet, I simply want him to be accountable for anything that he did. If he didn't do it, I hope he'll be able to keep his family together. He's going to have to buy her a lot of diamond rings, anklets, bracelets, and toe and nose rings to make up for this one.

4. My question: Does promiscuous behavior necessarily preclude a person's credibility, period? Is there a chance that this woman could be telling the truth?

I am tired of the topic and only hope that if he did it, he will pay. If he is innocent of rape charges, then the publicity and hurt that this has caused is payment enough for his infidelity.

I choose other heros. He is not mine by a loooong shot.


Originally Posted by Tony(admin) WOW, you speak as if you were there and you know exactly what happend. You have to admit that none of us know what exactly happend. None will ever know. Only 2 people know
If you come up to someone's dark hotel room after gallyrampin around sexually/flirtatiously (this was seen), it can be taken as implied that something sexual may happen. My opinion is that I doubt she went there to play cards and I doubt Kobe wanted to play Gin. I am not defending action, just stating

I think that someones credibility has alot to do with a "story" told, don't you? I sure do.


Also, if the sex was consensual initially but then turned to rape, it is still wrong. If her intentions were to bed down Kobe, I don't give a rat's 'bar mitzvah' as long as people understand that her intention was not rape. If her intention was to cry "rape" falsely then she needs serious help.

Let me say that too, Serious.
How much do you want to bet he walks?

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) Let me say that too, Serious.
How much do you want to bet he walks?

Well I bet he walks too. Unless you want to bet for some jail/prison time, I'm with you. This is one of those high profile cases that will slip through the loop of disbelief and this girl will have been her own worst enemy.
He will walk, but never with his pants down again. Meanwhile, Mrs. Kobe will be adorned. And Martha Stewart will get a slap on the hand too, but no jail time.

Oh yes.. then there's Michael Jackson. Not too sure about that one.

We'll see. Let's have a psychic guest in the chat room and find out


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