Truth about Britney Spears' performance at the VMAs forums

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Sorry...she still sucked. I would have had more respect if she kicked that boot off and danced barefoot. THAT would have been badass!

Oh YEAH!! Beyonce did face plant and girl popped back up like...uh oh uh oh uh oh...that's a true performer.

Originally Posted by BeneBaby /img/forum/go_quote.gif Oh YEAH!! Beyonce did face plant and girl popped back up like...uh oh uh oh uh oh...that's a true performer.

Yeah i think she would of still move her jelly even if she wasnt ready at that moment.

ANyways back to Britney, I call bullshit on her excuse . Maybe she shouldnt have worn that thin ass heels cuz it cant support her fat ass. She never wore high heels during performance before, shes trying too hard to make a comeback.

Originally Posted by BeneBaby /img/forum/go_quote.gif Sorry...she still sucked. I would have had more respect if she kicked that boot off and danced barefoot. THAT would have been badass! ITA
ummm, boots don't self heel by the end of the night. she's all janky and sidways because her shoes cant hold her weight / SHE cant hold her weight.

I agree with everyone else, I don't take that as an excuse. Before she would have worked it out, even with a wardrobe malfunction. She still showed no enthusiasm, lipsynced horribly, etc etc.

Originally Posted by XkrissyX /img/forum/go_quote.gif LMAO...hahaha

Yeah i think she would of still move her jelly even if she wasnt ready at that moment.

ANyways back to Britney, I call bullshit on her excuse . Maybe she shouldnt have worn that thin ass heels cuz it cant support her fat ass. She never wore high heels during performance before, shes trying too hard to make a comeback.

That's not very nice. She's not fat. She's had two babies. I've never had babies and I don't look anywhere near that. I see women all the time that wear high heels that weigh over 200 pounds and they don't have a problem!
She is not overweight at all! Unforunately she just does not fit into hollywoods stereotype not being no more than 100 pounds, and is not willing to starve herself either to get there...

Plus, with a broken heel, i can understand that she would have problems with the dancing and lip syncing , i'd be so distracted and trying to make sure that i didn't fall then anything else at that moment..

yeah i saw that awhile back. i guess she was thinking about her broken heel the whole time. but it wasn't just that, other things didn't go right either. but i also heard that she was out late the night before drinking, so whatever. it just wasn't time for her to come back.

i also heard that someone made a nasty comment about her and it sort of affected her performance

We have ad this discussion already and she sucked because she wanted to. I would have to agree with Beyonce falling on her face and she kept going also. I could never see Janet Jackson performing or any other professional performing like that. If she wasn't ready she shouldn't have gone on stage.

You have an awesome point but Britney isnt even fat just nicely figured

Originally Posted by Ohappydayes /img/forum/go_quote.gif Not to be mean, but having a baby isn't necessarily an excuse to continue to be overweight (or out of shape for that matter). I had a baby and I worked out, lost the weight and am in great shape. I'm not saying its easy for everyone, I'm just saying she's not the only woman in the world or Hollywood that's had a baby and we don't all remain overweight just because of that. So that's not a legitimate excuse for her. Just saying.
Ohh I know what u meant ..

Originally Posted by Ohappydayes /img/forum/go_quote.gif I was responding to the comments above my post and merely stating that having a baby is not an excuse....a reason, but not an excuse.
I can't believe someone had nowt better to do than make that video. Hahah, rubbish. I love Brit, but she was wooden and crap! It was probably less to do with a broken heel and more to do with too many beers beforehand!!

It is really hard to dance in heels, especially ones that high and thin, but if she had practiced more and had a few dress rehearsals these problems probably would have been discovered and fixed before the big performance. She just seemed all-around unprepared. Particularily for such an important night in her career.

i dont think britney is fat or out of shape, shes a woman now with TWO kids, she will probley never have her teenage body again. which is ok she still looks great imo.

Originally Posted by XkrissyX /img/forum/go_quote.gif LMAO...hahaha

Yeah i think she would of still move her jelly even if she wasnt ready at that moment.

ANyways back to Britney, I call bullshit on her excuse . Maybe she shouldnt have worn that thin ass heels cuz it cant support her fat ass. She never wore high heels during performance before, shes trying too hard to make a comeback.

OT...don't mean to step on your toes, but she's NOT a fat ass! For someone with two kids, she looks way better than most who DON'T have kids!
OMG people! GEt over it.

I never was a Britney SPears Fan so im going to say what i think of her. If you dont like it then you know what ignore it. You all have something to say Im not going to response to each and of you and jump on your dramas.

You all just like to end with the dramas, im not having it. SO get over it and move on!

Dont worry I agree with you Krissy, I think she has enough money to work her ass off and lose weight. There are lots of moms who are able to lose their baby weight and alot who cant. In the end yes she is Britney Spears and she is a fat ass.


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