TWINS baby shower gift! forums

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Dec 27, 2012
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My cousin is having TWINS (a boy and a girl, perfect right?) and I'm super excited for her. Her baby shower is next month and I want to get her a great gift. I dont have kids so I have no idea where to begin! She hasn't registered anywhere yet either! I'm hoping to get something that incorporates twins (matching outfits or something like that) any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!

While of course you want something cute, but I'd just ask your cousin directly. Why not functional stuff, like a gift basket of his and hers bottles, binkies, and stuff in coordinating colors? Onesies are always good.. receiving blankets, diapers, wipes, formula. . When I buy baby clothes, I usually buy around 12 mos and up.. when they're teeny tiny, they are cute enough and growing sooo fast. This way, they get a little more use outta the stuff.

I have two kids. Especially with twins (Unless she's rich, which awesome for her if she is) money will probably be tight and she's going to be exhausted. I highly suggest functional and practical things.

Diapers (Not just newborn diapers...size 1 too!), onsies (Not just NB, they grow FAST and will be in 3month in now time :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> ), wipes, bottle cleaner, baby laundry detergent (new moms might forget these things!), plain crib sheets, a diaper bag, travel-sized baby things for the diaper bag, baby wash, diaper rash balm, receiving blankets, (if she's going to breast-feed) a nursing cover, hooded baby towels, diaper genie...
And of course - watch to see what she registers for!

P.s.-wipe warmers are stupid. I don't recommend.
And baby bullets are dumb - just get a nice blender - I recommend the ninja. (So if you see her register for it, you can tell her I said this lol)

And you can totally coordinate little outfits or spring a few bucks for some cutsie baby books or picture frames. (If you're artsy - you could set up a scrap-book type thing for her to put pictures in...if that made any sense. )

One thing I do for expecting moms is get them a bunch of travel-things for their hospital bag and/or diaper bag, and I also like to throw in a little spa-type treat for them (bath salt, facial masks...etc.) -they'll appreciate it when they get the time to relax from the kids. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

It's easy to get sucked into buying super-cute things that really aren't necessities, try and stick to practical and useful things. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Hope this helped! (even though it's old haha)

I think that cute outfits that match are adorable.  I would look for an outfit for each baby.  Or even a Gift certificate to have their pictures taken.

Quote: Originally Posted by missnaya /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  My cousin is having TWINS (a boy and a girl, perfect right?) and I'm super excited for her. Her baby shower is next month and I want to get her a great gift. I dont have kids so I have no idea where to begin! She hasn't registered anywhere yet either! I'm hoping to get something that incorporates twins (matching outfits or something like that) any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!

I have twins - identical boys - so let me say that with twins two of everything is nice but FOUR is better. Why? Because they go through things twice as fast. Clothes are nice but with twins they can be born premature and size zero clothes would be too big but twins can also be born "normal" weight (six pounds to nine pounds each). My own twins were 5 lbs (even) and 3 pounds 13 ounces (when he came home). Premature diapers are also way, way smaller than the smallest normal diaper - by half depending on if it's Pampers or Huggies (I no longer remember which was smaller but they were different even though they were diapers for preemies). Oh and preemie diapers are more expensive than normal diapers but not by much but it does add up.

If she plans on bottle feeding then lots of bottles but again it'll depend on the babies are normal weight or preemies because the nipples are different as are the bottles.

So my advice, buy her something for her for now. Lotions, body oils, creams and put a gift basket for her. Once the babies are born and you know if they're preemies or not then go from there. Also, if they end up being born prematurely they will need special car seats as normal infant car seats can't be used. My youngest - who was brought home under four pounds - had to come home in a special carrier that laid him flat and had to be buckled in "sideways" unlike traditional car seats that have the baby's head towards the back of the front seats. Those are expensive, thankfully many can be rented through the hospital. So like I said if you want to get her something for a baby shower then get HER a gift for her to use.


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