Originally Posted by amberlamps /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Quote: Originally Posted by jaclynsmusings /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Quote: Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My main concern are for those who received Social Security checks in the mail. Those ALWAYS arrive on the 1st except if it falls on a holiday or Sunday then it arrives the day before. How will this affect those getting SS checks on the first? Is Social Security going to mail it a day or two earlier now?
I don't see how it's going to save money. In my state we have two hubs open now - Seattle (I think it's Federal way actually) and Spokane. With the mail now set to only being delivered Monday through Friday I think it's going to cause MORE work for the postal workers who are left at those two hubs. It's going to add one between one to three extra days for First Class mail to be sent and delivered and I don't see how that's saving money. If the USPS really wants to save money then get rid of the executive bonuses and perks and FIRE upper management not the actual postal workers.
I remember hearing a few months ago that ALL Social Security recipients MUST use direct deposit beginning this year so that would eliminate the issue with arrival on the weekends.
I am also sad that this will be such a huge change/shift in our mail system and am also concerned about a delay in receiving non-package post in a prompt manner.
I don't receive SS but I have received checks from the government for my work-study program.. and I just got a letter the other day that stated that ALL recipients of government checks must set up direct deposit by sometime in March of this year.
So essentially the USPS lost a huge contract with the government then since between Social Security and any other government check won't be mailed out. To me that signifies that millions of pieces of mail no longer shipped and millions of dollars in shipping cost saved this way.