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Mar 6, 2010
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My boyfriend recently got me into video games on the computer & I have to admit, I love them! I'm pretty alone in my circle of friends, lol, because we're all pretty girly for the most part. I feel odd because my guy friends were shocked when they heard I liked to play Half-Life 2! haha

Anyone else like to play them?

I like the occasional video game too, and I completely understand what you mean. When you start talking to the guys about them they can't believe that you know the name let alone play the game!

I played FFXI for years, played WoW for years, been playing FFXIV now.

I also like the Professor Layton series, and there was another court drama series, but I don't remember the name of it right now.

What about Leisure Suit Larry? LOL

Originally Posted by Annelle /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I played FFXI for years, played WoW for years, been playing FFXIV now.

I also like the Professor Layton series, and there was another court drama series, but I don't remember the name of it right now.

Leisure Suit Larry?  OMG! LOL!  I played them when no-one was around long long long long long time ago (decades)...  hee hee.  I like Little Big Planet.  Its so cute. Also Pocket God.  Most times I don't have time to play anything at all.

I used to be way into PC games when I was dating my ex, especially this mmorpg called City of Heroes haha.  Now I only have this little netbook so I had to give it up.  All I have at home is a GameCube and a Super Nintendo haha.  But I mostly have guy friends and I love playing xbox when we hang out.  We've been playing the new NBA game which is a lot of fun, but they're all better then me cause I don't have my own game system to practice on 

Lol, I'd be scared to play an MMORPG because I know I'd probably end up addicted to it. I'm addicted to enough things on the Internet as it is :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I unfortunately have to use my boyfriend's computer to play games. I don't live with him, and he gets really bored when I'm over at his place playing games, so I don't get much practice. He has a PS2 as well, but imo it's not as fun.

Anyone remember playing the old school Oregon Trail on the computer?? I think I was in middle school when I use to play. 

Yes! I loved that game:) I would go overboard on killing the buffalo,lol. We used to play that game the entire period of computer class.I was actually trying to see if there was a free version you could download online.

Yeah, I still have that game on CD! It's the 4th edition or something, bought it in 5th grade. I never played the original, and even though that game would always crash for me, I loved it to death!

Originally Posted by MacMe /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Anyone remember playing the old school Oregon Trail on the computer?? I think I was in middle school when I use to play. 

Anyone who ever played that game has to watch this video, It is an awesome real life version of Oregon trail.  3 minutes of win.

Hahaha that game was like the best part of my school day back then.  And that video is hilarious!!  I remember playing another computer game we played in school too where you were a semi truck driver but I can't remember the name.

Originally Posted by nydoll23 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yes! I loved that game:) I would go overboard on killing the buffalo,lol. We used to play that game the entire period of computer class.I was actually trying to see if there was a free version you could download online.
I heard something about facebook having an oregon trial game. I haven't check though. I would love to play again and hopefully not get malaria or a snake bite haha Everyone would always die.

I think I emerged from the womb with a game controller in my hand! These days, I am almost as much a WoW addict as I am a makeup addict! I have played that on and off since it came out. I've played most of the other MMOs, platforms, and single player RPGs that have been out since the late 80s on most consoles/PC, and I now have all sorts of Playstation and Xbox games.

Haha! I loved Oregon Trail. That's why I loved computer class.

...and that video was so funny.


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