Visible Roots....Trendy or Trashy?? forums

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Trashy, it's one of the reasons I don't die my hair. My hair grows so fast I'll be getting a touch up in a month and that's such a waste of money.

I think usually roots look trashy, but there are a few times when it really works out. My roommate for example. Her natural hair color is a brownish red color and she dyed her hair black. She got it layered after the roots started showing and it actually looks really neat. the effect looks professional!

If the roots are only a shade darker, I don't see a problem

but when it is obvious, it looks nasty

I think it looks trashy. That's why I no longer do highlights, get my color at Sally's and dye it myself every 3 weeks.

Trashy!!! Unless is a nice fading color. Like dark roots growing lighter to blonde, not like an abrupt change.

Ugly! especially with really blonde hair with black roots showing ... it's just yuck!

I don't like them by myself.

Overall I don't think it looks good, especially the type of blond like Madonna, such a contrast. BIG NO!!

But there are exceptions, it can look sexy and pretty I think! Like this:




