Wanting extra cash...

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May 12, 2006
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So...yeah...I can't get a second job, mine is full time - and I need time with my son.

But and I really wanting to get extra cash, because right now I am pretty behind on my bills (just starting back after being gone about 2 months of maternity leave)...anyone know of anything?

Preferably something I don't need to invest in first!

Hmmm... I dunno! I would say Avon since it's only $10 to get into it, but that's kinda like an investment, and if you don't have time to sell, then you're not really gonna make anything. I know how hard it is!!! I was a single parent at one time, and I even had times I was working up to three jobs PLUS going to school! Definitely not easy! The only other thing you maybe might be able to do, which will still suck, is to work a second job just long enough to catch up on the bills and make sure you'll be okay with just the one job afterwards. No real consolation there, but it might be worthwhile if it's only for a short while... Best of luck sweetie! Sorry I can't be more help!

If you find out, tell me! lol! I've been trying to get a work form home job that does not require $ upfrt for supplies FOREVER. I have been scamed soo many times. But you know what?? I got my money back! hehe!

best of luck to ya!

Originally Posted by PerfectMistake So...yeah...I can't get a second job, mine is full time - and I need time with my son.
But and I really wanting to get extra cash, because right now I am pretty behind on my bills (just starting back after being gone about 2 months of maternity leave)...anyone know of anything?

Preferably something I don't need to invest in first!

If you have strong word processing or office or some other skills, you may be able to get some out-sourced work. Try looking on www.craigslist.org , there will probably be a link for your city/town.

Hope this helps (fingers-crossed).

Now Ive thought about becoming a Avon lady... Wonder if they would take me. I might have a niche market. Maybe I should call.

Of course they would take you! I know of several men that sell Mary Kay! I don't think they actually wear the makeup, but they do use the skin care and if you use Avons make up and skincare, that would just sell it even better. Avon has lots of mens products!! Go for it and let us know how it goes for ya!!

Alex, I'm kind of in the same predicament as you are! I did some research on work at home jobs and I checked with scam busters to make sure this website is legit and it is! It's www.jobsformoms.com. I'm going to join in a little while and I'll let you know what I think of it! I think the registration fee is $30, but that's just so that the people that want the info are serious and the company doesn't lose money. I think if it works for you $30 won't be too bad! Good luck and let us know what you find out!

I tried Avon - wasn't my thing at all haha!

I have a full time job - and right now I am stuck with funny hours (11:15-8:15 Tuesdays and Sundays off). It's a call center for Cingular - so it's be changing soon.

As far as getting another job, I wouldn't be able to handle it - i had 2 at one point and it was terrible - so I sure couldn't do it with a new born! HA!

Thanks for all your tips ladies

If you knit, you could make scarves/hats and sell them at fairs. If you are good at gardening, you could sell what you grow at farmer's markets or to flower shops.

A person can make money on ebay, you just have to do some research, as there are a lot of fees and they seriously eat up profits. All last summer I went to estate sales and bought mainly fine china/porcelain (after researching pottery marks so I had an idea of their age). I did pretty well. It is very time consuming, going to sales takes a lot of time, the good part is...you can take your baby with you. Listing takes a lot of time, you HAVE to have decent pictures. I never bought anything that I didn't think I could sell for AT LEAST double...because of all the fees.

One way to save a little on fees is to wait until you have a stash of stuff to sell (20 or more, the more the better), and open a store. It only costs like 5 cents to list an item in a store versus $1 or more via auction. The only thing is...you have to have a few things as auctions to get traffic to your store. Do some research via ended auction searches for pricing ideas.

The store is free for the first 30 days, then it's like $15/month which is easily saved in fees as long as you keep the store stocked.

I have found fine porcelain from the 1800s for $2...the people had no idea what they had. One lady was moving across country and selling of her parents "misc stuff" so she didn't have to store it. One piece was a cedar chest purchased from Macy's (or some other big dept store)in 1950, it looked like new and had the reciept taped to the inside...sold it for $50 (I was sick that it sold before I got there) The other piece, I did get, it was the bowl from a wash set (pitcher and basin) from 1903, got it for $4, sold it for $50. Once got a crystal liquor decanter set for $50 and sold it for $600! Old quilts and needlwork do very well on ebay too.

Another thing you must be careful of when doing that is you have to consider how you can ship it...big items or odd shapes. You don't want to waste money on packing supplies if you don't have to.

All in all, it is really time consuming and you have to now what you are looking at when buying, which takes a while to catch on but it can be done. Other ebay options are buying beauty items wholesale. I used to buy from powderpuffgals in bulk and then re sell on ebay, did fine with that too.

Cleaning houses....a great way to make extra money. The business ones charge like $25+/hr, you can easily undercut them and charge $10/hr cash and do well. If you can get in with a builder, construction clean up pays very well...they just go in and get the house ready to show after it's built.

I would pay someone to do my ironing, in fact...Im asking my cleaning lady if she's interested tomorrow.

Run an ad in the local paper or put up a flyer at the store, odds and end jobs....errands like pick up drop off dry cleaning, if you have a mini van you can run kids to and from school or practices, weeding flower beds...there are 2 ladies in my town who do this...they will plant too but their main thing is weeding you landscaping for you.

Of course, it all depends on how much time/energy you have left after your own daily duties as well as where you live.

Best of luck!

edited to add.....have a garage sale! Do a serious cleanout...if you haven't used it in 6 months...it goes. I did this same thing and priced the stuff at basically give away (which Im not suggesting you do) just to get it out of my house and made $600 in ONE day from stuff I would have just thrown out! It's amazing what people will buy!

another thought.....do garage sale for other people....I have a ton of stuff left from my estate sales that I need to garage sale but I don't want to go thru the hassle of the sale...again...would give someone a cut if they wanted to do it.

Originally Posted by hollywood I was thinking of selling junk on e-bay but I have been warned that you most likely lose money then make money. I heard that there is a lot of small fees and at the end, you did not make much of a profit. I can vouch for that! I've lost money myself, and it was mostly on seller fees. However, I did make some money. You definitely have to do research. I have a friend who sells antique perfume bottles, and she can make a killing. I think last month she sold 3 bottles and got $1500 for them! eBay is something you definitely need to do a lot of research on first! And you can't expect to make something with every listing...
I don't have anything worth trying on eBay - seriously. HAHA!

I told my mom I wanted to go to work bac at Starbucks on my two days off (hey, that would be formula and gas haha), but she made me feel horrible for wanting to do that! I make really good money for the job I do, but it never seems to be enough!!

But I am about to start getting child support, so that will help for his regular check-ups and food, etc.

Thanks again ladies

It's so hard to make a profit on ebay. I been trying and don't lose money...but didn't make a nice profit either, I kept feeling that I am working for ebay for free...

For your case, I think working on your 2 days off till the child-support check coming is a good idea. Good luck.

Originally Posted by Aquilah /img/forum/go_quote.gif Hmmm... I dunno! I would say Avon since it's only $10 to get into it, but that's kinda like an investment, and if you don't have time to sell, then you're not really gonna make anything. It's really hard to sell some of those products. The market is so saturated, and it's so incredibly tough to make any sort of profit. It's like when I (stupidly) decided to do Mary Kay.

This may be inconsequential to some people, but what sent up a red flag (or should I say PINK, lmao) was when she said that she used to wear Lancome, but switched completely to Mary Kay.

It threw me off guard a little bit, but I was eager to make some extra money myself, so I played along.

There was something about Lil' Miss Anti Lancome that really rubbed me the wrong way. It wasn't just the overly perky facade, but it was her rudeness and her pushiness that really scared me. I didn't like the way she talked to me like I was a child, nor did I enjoy her *****ing at me when she found out that I didn't own a lick of Mary Kay products (Heh, she's one to talk!). Another thing about me that made her mad was the fact that I'm not a skirt/pantyhose type of girl. I actually heard her make snide remarks to other members of the unit about my wearing just a t-shirt and jeans! Man, what a biotch! What really pissed me off is when she tried desperately to push me to buy inventory, which by the way was INCREDIBLY expensive. The $110 start up fee should have been enough, but I guess it wasn't. I left after the third meeting, and just never went back.

She tried desperately to convince me that the products would sell themselves, but they just don't. I handed out numerous samples, just to have them handed back to me. Why? In my experience, I found that quite a few people didn't like the brand. Heck, some people would just outright RUN AWAY from me. Can I blame them? Nope. I should have ran too, but I didn't.

Okay, enough ranting from me, lol!

If you have some things around your house you can part with, try posting some ads on craigslist.com. I have had huge success with it and since you are dealing locally with people they can put cash in hand for stuff.

I know its not a permanent or predicatable source of income,...but I know most of us have a few things lying around that we don't use that could be passed on to someone else.

Craiglist sounds like a good idea, going to have to look into that.

LOL, I have some things I could definitely get off of my hands, that's for sure.

Originally Posted by Aquilah /img/forum/go_quote.gif I can vouch for that! I've lost money myself, and it was mostly on seller fees. However, I did make some money. You definitely have to do research. I have a friend who sells antique perfume bottles, and she can make a killing. I think last month she sold 3 bottles and got $1500 for them! eBay is something you definitely need to do a lot of research on first! And you can't expect to make something with every listing... My aunt sells stuff on ebay and jeez, she gets a lot.
Good luck. It's so hard to have a new baby and be worried about all the bills. When I was about 7 months pregnant with my ds my hubby decided to go back to school. I was pretty much an emotional wreck. That meant I was the only financial provider, and it was hard, but we've made it work. It will pay off... someday (I hope!).

Anyway, good luck with all the changes you're facing. And remember to take time to enjoy your baby whenever you can! I know it's hard when you're working full time (and I"m sure you're especially drained as a single mom), but hopefully you can sneak in some snuggle time here and there!


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