Warm vs. cool pigments

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Oct 1, 2007
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Do you ladies stick to warm or cool palettes based on your skin tone/hair/eye color? I'm a definite warm and I tend not to pay attention to rules about which colors warm people can wear. Why? Because warm colors are basically restricted to browns. I think the most interesting color that is supposedly warm is gold. As for cool colors, well... I think those are actually COLOR colors, like the kind you would find in a rainbow. Just look at the warm color vs. cool color kit on theshespace:





See what I mean? I don't really like being restricted to browns, I like to use a lot of color. So I break the cool vs. warm makeup rules pretty often. What about you ladies?

Warm also has some luscious greens and golds, as well as the reddish, orange, peach and peachy/pink colours in it. Plus there are lots of neutrals that'll go either way - pretty much anything lavender, purple, plum if it's done right, and lots more.

But nope - I'm primarily cool-toned, and I like to play with both warm and cool for eye colours. If you look at Heather's regular pigments or the 16-colour 'basic' sets, you'll see some stunning warms as well as cools.

I'm apparently cool toned but I've got quite a lot of warm toned makeup. I'll give pretty much any colour a try, I've not got anything in my collection that doesn't work for me.

Well, I can't pull off very warm colors: gold, yellow, orange, peach, yellow-based green. I can't wear intense blue either. Either of these colors makes me look dead, heh. It took me a lot of experimentation to get to this conclusion, so now I stick to colors that actually suit me, which are neutrals and mild cools and warms. Every time I look at a pretty peach color I have to remind my self I look like an orange wearing it to avoid falling for the temptation.

I look horrible in just browns.. really horible so I must be a cool person

I have neutral toned skin, so I can wear both with no problem. I do tend to favor cools more than warms though.

I'm genuinely attracted to Warm palletes. I love the Golds, Coppers, Browns, Bronzes, Peaches, and I would include many Greens into the Warm pallet.

Cools simply don't strike my eye as strongly and favorably as Warms do. Since I personally don't look so great in Blues and Violets I seldom see one that really catches my eye and calls my name.

You do have a beautiful selection of colors there.

What I know about color is that warm means colors with a predominantly yellow base and cool means colors with a predoninantly blue base. So by looking at your picture you look to have skin that would be cool. I know that you may look sallow if you wear yellow next to your face and the yellow will bring out sallow tones. Not what we want. So you need a shade that is complimentary to your skin tone and that would be a cool based color/s like a cool or a beige foundation. I make my mineral foundations in Cool and Warm. So my lightest shade of warm is warm .5 and that is what I wear. I have a red head's complexion. Sort of peachy and I have freckles and my eyes are a blue green and lean towards the yellow side of blue green. You would probably be on teh opposite side of the spectrum so Cool 1.o is probably your shade. If you are darker than that then you may be a Cool 1.5 or up to a Cool 2.5 or somewhere in between. Hey...I would love to send to you a free sample of my mineral makeup foundation. Just email me if you want a sample. I am sure you are a cool. So a cool can wear lots of true reds and stay away from orangey reds. Look to lots of blue greens, silvers, burgundy, oh the shades are inumerable! You have such a beautiful pallete of shades to choose from!! Ethereal Minerals is my company so contact me if you want some freebies or more information.

I wear whatever color I like that looks okay with my skin. The only colors I really can't wear are some golds and oranges...but if I saw a color I loved enough that fell into that color range I'd probably still wear it

Most importantly I believe is getting your skin tone correct. Once you have the correct tone for your foundation then really you can go to town on eyeshadows. As long as you are not too far out of your color scheme. YOu know what I mean? Like if you know that bright happy face yellow looks real bad then stay away from it like the plague. But there are both cool yellows and warm yellows. For instance lemon yellow is cool but butter yellow is warm. So just try to figure out your undertone and you can wear almost any color in that tone. I have probably caused more confusion than clarity. LOL.

i am a cool tone and looking at your pics i realise i tend to use more cool pigments, but i also have a few warm that work just as good with me.

Its kinda odd for me, I have strawberry blonde hair and supposed to be warm. But I have been colortyped at MAC to be cool. also I cant wear browns, and warm colors too well. Browns make me look dead and tired. I can wear taupes though. I think theyre cool though.

I can wear plummy browns - if you're into MAC, try Satin Taupe, or for a dupe, SN's Mink. She's got a Chanel dupe that works really well as a brown eyeliner for me too - Chocolate Twinkle - can't remember the name of the Chanel palette it came from, though.

But when I tried SN's Truffle - disaster. That's a plain dark matte brown, and it made me look ten years older.

Originally Posted by Kim Granger /img/forum/go_quote.gif What I know about color is that warm means colors with a predominantly yellow base and cool means colors with a predoninantly blue base. So by looking at your picture you look to have skin that would be cool. I know that you may look sallow if you wear yellow next to your face and the yellow will bring out sallow tones. Not what we want. So you need a shade that is complimentary to your skin tone and that would be a cool based color/s like a cool or a beige foundation. I make my mineral foundations in Cool and Warm. So my lightest shade of warm is warm .5 and that is what I wear. I have a red head's complexion. Sort of peachy and I have freckles and my eyes are a blue green and lean towards the yellow side of blue green. You would probably be on teh opposite side of the spectrum so Cool 1.o is probably your shade. If you are darker than that then you may be a Cool 1.5 or up to a Cool 2.5 or somewhere in between. Hey...I would love to send to you a free sample of my mineral makeup foundation. Just email me if you want a sample. I am sure you are a cool. So a cool can wear lots of true reds and stay away from orangey reds. Look to lots of blue greens, silvers, burgundy, oh the shades are inumerable! You have such a beautiful pallete of shades to choose from!! Ethereal Minerals is my company so contact me if you want some freebies or more information.
That's the first I've ever heard that I might be a cool. I've never been professionally colortyped, but I always assumed that I was a warm because I'm asian and asians have yellow undertones. It might just be the picture that's making me look like a cool... you see, it's a Halloween picture and I went as a geisha, so I chose a much lighter foundation than I regularly would have. My real skin tone is the color that you see on my forehead, where it seems I didn't cover up properly.

This color type thing can be a bit confusing for sure. When I say warm I am refering to red heads or skin tones similar to red haired folks. My middle daughter has green eyes with a very distinct yellow undertone and she is warm. Her foundation looks orangy in the container. But when we put it on it does not look orangy. I think on you it would. I make our makeup so I know what iron oxides are in the warm foundation. It contains a lot of yellow iron oxide and red oxide. Now when I choose a foundation for my asian customers and my latin and italian and ladies with the latino skin their skin has a deffinite yellow undertone. But the important factor is how does golden yellow look on that skin tone? Well I can tell you that it looks awful!!! So the shades of foundations that look best on asian and latino skin is more often than not a blue based foundation and it is a cool shade. There is a lot of blue in it and it compliments the skin and blends in perfectly. Whatever the color it is that looks good check the base color and see what that is and it will most likely be blue or a cool color. I used to do hair and worked with hair color and I know about base colors and that sort of thing. I bet that you are a "Winter" and winters are cool. Do you look really sharp in black, white, true red, vibrant blue like cobalt, deep burgundy and wines? If you look good in these colors then you are a winter. YOu may not like the colors but they may look really good on you.

Now my sister who is my half sister, she is half mexican and half white stuff. My mom, our mom, is warm with really white skin and had freckles when she was young and her hair used to be light to medium golden brown. Very warm. My step dad, mexican with olive/yellow skin and black hair combined with my mom's coloring and made my sister and I though she woudl be cool and take after dad because she is very dark skinned and has dark hair but I was wrong. When I finally did her colors and makeup I discovered she had warm skin tones like me but very dark. She has amazing green eyes. So I really need to see a person to make a determination but If both your parents are asian you are probalby cool. Well that is enough of my blabbing. At any rate...what ever skin tone you are it is apparent that you are quite beautiful!

I had my colours done professionally i.e my clothes and I am winter, in fact sultry witer to be precise. I have mixed mediterranean/asian skin. I did always find the skin thing puzzling and wondered if the same applied. I think you are right Kim as I tried a neutral/cool colour from a mineral makeup company and it worked for me whereas when I went into a shop and they tried to put a warm tan colour on me and I thought it looked awful. I was beginning to think that I saw myself as a different colour to what everyone else saw!


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