Weight loss/toning group anyone?

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Btw- even though I'm known for eating weird stuff, I think maybe y'all might like this thing I've been drinking- if you like pumpkin that is. Its sort of like a pumpkin spice milkshake but with none of the bad stuff :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk (or change to your preference)

.5 cup pure pumpkin puree (I used canned)

Sweetener of choice (I use skinnygirl liquid Stevie, because it's all I have atm. I use about 2-3 short squirts)

A sprinkling (probably about 1/4 tsp) of pumpkin spice seasoning

.5 tsp vanilla (I just fill the cap lol)

Like...10 or so ice cubes

-Throw it all in the blender and pour into a glass. That's it! Only 80 cals for a big glass when made with what I use and you get all sorts of healthy stuff ^_^ /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

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Btw- even though I'm known for eating weird stuff, I think maybe y'all might like this thing I've been drinking- if you like pumpkin that is. Its sort of like a pumpkin spice milkshake but with none of the bad stuff :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk (or change to your preference)

.5 cup pure pumpkin puree (I used canned)

Sweetener of choice (I use skinnygirl liquid Stevie, because it's all I have atm. I use about 2-3 short squirts)

A sprinkling (probably about 1/4 tsp) of pumpkin spice seasoning

.5 tsp vanilla (I just fill the cap lol)

Like...10 or so ice cubes

-Throw it all in the blender and pour into a glass. That's it! Only 80 cals for a big glass when made with what I use and you get all sorts of healthy stuff ^_^ /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
That sounds awesome.  Smoothies are something I really like using almond milk for.  It would go really well with pumpkin.  Thanks!

Just checking in!   This was my 3rd month in my journey, since I have recomitted myself to fitness!

October Stats

1. Lost 2 lbs Total lbs lost 10.2 (Aug, Sept & Oct) 

2. Lost 4.5 inches Total inches lost 21 ( Aug, Sept & Oct)

3. Worked out 23/23 times!

Goals for October

1.  Add weights-moderate success.  Goal was 6x for the month and I made it 3x.

2.  Work out week of my bday which is also the week I have family in town-totally did this!  I felt guilty about it but realized my health is imporantant and I think my family understands!

3.  Be more conscious of food intake: content/amount etc-This goal defintely needs some work!

4.  Fit in tall boots!  I have always had big calves and dream of being able to wear boots!  Even the wide calf ones never fit!-I do not know if this will ever be an attainable goal for me.  I may not ever be able to get small enough calves but I am still going to try!

Best of luck to everyone as we head into Turkey day, holiday cookie and candy making and the cold!

There's so much to catch up on but this seems like the group I'm looking for... it's hard to stay motivated when you're going at it alone but maybe, with this group's support, I can stay on track in my weight loss journey.

Aaand here I go.. *goes back to page 1.*

I've been away from MUT awhile, only randomly checking in. Mostly because MUT is bad for my wallet and makes me want to buy all teh pretties. But this should be a good thread to frequent safely!

Soooooo...I recently joined a gym! I've tried to get all my friends to join but they're lame and won't. I've been doing cardio mostly. Treadmill, biking, and elliptical for about an hour total. I haven't gone to the weight machines yet as I don't really know how to use them...haha. 

Also my gym has classes & I've already been to 2 yoga classes. My body felt so amazing after! I forgot how great yoga makes my body feel! 

Bought a Hamilton Beach itty bitty blender for $1.99 at goodwill. Score! And found a blender bottle at TJ Maxx for like 7 bucks so now I'm all set for smoothies. Does anyone reccommend a good water bottle with an infuser for fruit? I've been looking at amazon but there's just so many!

Been using MyFitnessPal everyday, tracking what I eat! Feel free to add me at sheeeeeelby!!  

Hey everyone! So glad to have you guys checking in! Hope everyone is doing well...we're in pig-out season but that's no reason to pack on a bunch of extra pounds (unless y'know, that's What you wanna do!). I'm still hanging in there, I have finals coming up and I'm pretty sure my professors are still trying to kill all of us, so unfortunately I haven't been making those sweet sweet gainz but have been maintaining what I worked for, and I'm ok with that with all things considered. Next semester will be better (albeit a bunch of 12 hr clinicals Will happen) and this one is over (can't end soon enough), so I'll be able to up my game :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Doing okay here.  I've been down with a cold and dealing with hip issues from the baby so haven't been working out much.  I'm excited that I'm almost to 37 weeks!  My doc says that after 37 I can start working out a bit more.  I can't wait.  I really need the extra energy I get from a workout.  

Just checking in!   This was my 4th month in my journey, since I have recomitted myself to fitness!

November Stats

1. Lost 4.2 lbs Total lbs lost 14.2 (Aug, Sept, Oct, & Nov) 

2. Lost 3 inches Total inches lost 24 ( Aug, Sept, Oct & Nov)

3. Worked out 20/20 times!

Goals for December

1.  Add weights-failed.  I did no weights the whole month  of November, but December is my month!

2. Work out while home for the holidays!  My health and goals are important and I am going to be getting my grub on and will need it!

3.  Be more conscious of food intake: content/amount etc-In progress always!

4.  Fit in tall boots!  I cheated.  I bought wide calf boots that have buckles giving them extra room.  I still long to have skinny calves that have lots of room in tall boots but I don't think I am built that way!

Best of luck to everyone as we head into Christmas where food, candy, cookies and tempation are calling your name! 

Hooray for goals and successes!

I finished out the semester with all A's and zero weight gain! In fact, today my little one wanted to weigh herself and then told me to do it (I was dressed, normally weigh naked lol) and to my surprise, the scale finally budged downwards! Even fully dressed! Not that I need to lose weight, but it still made me happy lol. I tend to stagnate for a while, then BOOM, scale moves down 2-3 pounds and stays there. Weird huh? Using this 20-something day break to get back to my full regiment. I surprisingly lost no stamina/endurance in cardio and managed to be able to keep what weight I could lift so yay! No loss over the semester in strength...now time to increase my limits!

Stay strong through the holiday goodies :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

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We've been inundated with Holiday goodies and I am working out a system so I don't end up eating everything.  I will pick out one thing to have with a cup of tea during the day and keep the rest in the cupboard so I'm not tempted to snack.  That way I can get a little Holiday treat without feeling guilty.  Hopefully I can stick to this goal.  Stay strong ladies!

I'd say thats a great plan! Sweets are my weakness but I've held firm. I always tell myself "eh, is this grocery -store bought whatever really worth it? Or should I hold out for something reaaallllyyyy scrumptious?" plus I luckily don't have any sweets around (yet, family arrives on The with and they expect tons of snacks and sweets) If I had the power of moderation I'd do what you're doing!

So proud of everyone who's hung in there and accomplished goals!

So...resolution time is fast approaching. I never really do resolutions as I tend to just make New goals throughout the year and immediately go after them, but I suppose I can conjure up some...

I need to drink more water!

Also...as much as I know it probably won't happen...I want to work on being more of a morning person. I always wanted to be that person who springs up out of bed and gets going with a smile...but I'm just not. But I'll try my hand at making small improvements each morning, even if I make them a touch more pleasant I'll call it a win.

So, anyone want to throw their resolutions out here? Here's to a happy new year full of success!

My resolution:  Lose the baby weight!  

I gained 45 pounds during my pregnancy.  Between giving birth and finally seeing the end of water retention I have lost 24 pounds,  21 pounds to go!  I can't do any major exercise until I get cleared by my doctor on January 28th so in the meantime I am going to focus on eating healthy and drinking water.  

Omg congrats! Here's to a fast recovery and a healthy kiddo!

Idk if you're bf'ing or not but I think that's what got me to shed the bit of baby weight I had after each kid quicker. I always had to get an (Tmi warning) episiotomy so I had an additional fun bit of stuff to recover from in addition to the awfulness that is birthing a human, so exercise (walking even sucked for a couple weeks) was VERY light/low but I was lower than my pre-preg weight in no time with just watching my intake and bf'ing.

Omg congrats! Here's to a fast recovery and a healthy kiddo!

Idk if you're bf'ing or not but I think that's what got me to shed the bit of baby weight I had after each kid quicker. I always had to get an (Tmi warning) episiotomy so I had an additional fun bit of stuff to recover from in addition to the awfulness that is birthing a human, so exercise (walking even sucked for a couple weeks) was VERY light/low but I was lower than my pre-preg weight in no time with just watching my intake and bf'ing.
Definitely BF'ing and looking forward to the Mommy benefits from it.  I'm in a similar situation with recovery so am taking it easy most of the time.  I'm hoping that BF'ing will help me stick to healthier foods.  I want baby to get good stuff from me!  

Hello ladies :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Totally forgot about this thread and so happy I found it again! 

So I started the blogilate's January calendar last Thursday & I started the 21 day fix today. I just finished a round of it in December & actually lost 5 pounds even though I didn't stick to the program very well, so I'm excited to see my results this time if I actually follow it to a T. 

I have ten more pounds I'd like to lose to get back down to a weight I'm more comfortable with, but I also really just want to get healthy/strong! Told my boyfriend my goal is to be able to open ALL my own jars ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

Like @, totally forgot about this thread!! I am currently participating in a DietBet with another group, so I don't want to lose my $25! I am also doing Blogilates Jan cal + her ab challenge. My bf got me a Jawbone Up for my birthday so I am trying to log as many steps as possible each day and have been going on 30-40 min walks the last few days too. 

At the very least, I'd like to lose 6 pounds this month to get my dang money back, overall, about 15 for me to be pleased as punch :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 


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