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Mar 7, 2005
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i might be the only one, but do you ever get... sad when a book's over? like, do you ever get attached to a story or a character and you're like, "damn, i wonder where they are now. oh, wait..."

so weird, i know, but it happens to me. of course, i don't dwell on it or nothing. usually when i get done with a book, i kinda sit there and do nothing and just think.

i finished a book today called still thinking of you (even though i shouldn't be) and it was 600-something pages, so it was a long book and when it was done, i missed the characters LOL


I get that way too! I want to know more about their lives and what's going to happen after the book is over. It doesn't happen to me as much when there are Epilogues for follow up, though. Good to know I'm not the only one!

Two words. Harry Potter. I am so excited for the final book, but I will be sad because then it will be all over. lol Im still hoping JK Rowling will carry on the Hogwarts tradition in some fashion, without cheapening the original seven.

I've done that before. When I read The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks. I kinda ended up falling for one of the characters. LMAO I wanted to know what happen, and where they were.

I love to get lost in a book. I rarely do it anymore, because I'm too busy reading required books for school.

All the time! I read a lot and always get sad when a really good book is over. I'm in the middle of a really long fatasy series, each book is 700+ pages but I'm still wishing each one is longer!

Me too! I get so attached to a book although actually I shouldn't so much, as I'm preparing to be a literary scholar and thus should remain objective, but it's simply not possible! I treat characters like real persons, defending them when do something wrong and getting this warm feeling in my stomach when they're happy.

I develop a relationship to the characters and especially if the book was very long (500 pages +) I sit there and think "what, it can't end yet, there must be more", I just don't want to let go. I get really sad and feel like losing good friends, and that's also why I read my books several times, sometimes when I finish it I straightly go back to page 1 and start all over again. It's like meeting the ones you love, and although I'm well aware that the characters are not real persons, well, for me they are in a way. I think of them as people living around the corner, maybe I'd encounter them some day, or thinking that this or that person would make an awesome friend, etc. Just like a parallel reality!

It happens to me with James Patterson novels with Alex Cross or the Women's Murder Club. However, I can always rest assured he'll have a new book with the characters (either set) soon!

Me too, lol! I always want the story to continue. It does leaving you wondering what happens afterwards.

This happens to me too! I like it when there are Epilogues to tell you what happened to the characters. And sometimes, I like it so much, I read it again!

Dame i know exaclty wat u talking about. Sometime i put maself in the chararcters postion. I love reading especaily romantic novels. But can u do ma the favor of telling me whos the author i think i wanna go out to chapters and buy it..

u should read the books from Eric Jerome ****y hes a good author, he has incredible plots and characters.. u should read one of his novel and tell me wat u think..


I do that too!! You feel like you know the characters and they are your friends, so you kind feel like you lost a friend! I do that with t.v. and movie characters too!! I miss you Monica and Rachel!!! LOL

oh, my god! i cried so much when friends was over because i really felt like i was #7 in their group!! LOL

Well, with the few books I've read in my life I definitely felt that way. I think it's pretty common.

I too get more attached to TV characters. Friends, Will & Grace, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. I cried when all those went off. And boy, I REAAAALLLY cried when Mark Greene (Anthony Edwards) on ER passed away. I mean, you would have thought he was my uncle or something!

this happens to me all the time. i imagine and visualize so much until i almost feel part of the story.

hehe, I think I get that way too.

In the beginning, you get hooked in, and also, if the book is really long, then it's like a challenge to finish it, but when it's over, then you don't want to part with it, lol!


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