PLEASE just say NO to Tweezerman tweezers! Once you've used Anastasia's pepto pink tweezers that say Beverly Hills on them (they run about $28.00), you'll never used anything else. Allure has had them as their top beauty items, Sephora and Ulta carry them which says a lot, and you can also get them on Amazon. They are absolutely AMAZING. I just lost mine that I've had for over 8 years without ever sharpening and I feel naked! There's no doubt that I'm replacing them, and truly Tweezerman is junk compared to these tweezers. Do some searching and read some reviews, I haven't heard any bad reviews. Somebody I know complained on this website about spending a lot for a different brand of tweezer, but let me tell you, when it comes to tweezers, you really do get what you pay for. As I said, $28.00 for 8 years and running (if I hadn't lost them), with no sharpening needed, that's not a bad deal! Anastasia is a classy compåny any they have all kinds of brow tools and products as wells as a makeup line too! I wish I could afford it!
[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> A nice pair of tweezers that I use every day or every other day is something I will indulge myself in. When I used to use cheap tweezers (including tweezerman), I'd end up digging for hair that the tweezer left behind because it broke off and I'd never get the hair and it would be all red and I'd be mad! Boy am I glad those days are over! Anastasia tweezers even allow me to tweeze new hair that has just barely broke the surface.
The only reason Tweezerman has gotten so many good reviews is because there haven't been any products that were actually decent, so we all settled for products that really weren't very effectve! Buy the Anastasia tweezers, you will not be sorry!!!!!!
Though I haven't used the MAC tweezers, they also look like a good investment, a girl's got to love anything MAC!